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Date Posted: 15:45:34 02/13/07 Tue
Author: u should be ashamed
Subject: Re: Newest sluts.
In reply to: New Friend 's message, "Re: Newest sluts." on 14:15:19 02/13/07 Tue

seriously...u chicks are a piece of work. first, why do u feel the need to gossip about OTHER people on the internet. second, why (because u obviously see the need to gossip about others) are u NOT talking about the dirty boy-whores (aka players) who are encouraging this girl. and please don't try and tell me that they aren't partaking in the activities themselves... because news flash... they are! u post this shit to make yourselves feel better about liking these guys, who you are no doubt throwing yourselves at trying to get their attention by stooping so low that u have to post something on the INTERNET for all to read. you talk about these girls because u want to put all the blame on the girls and pretend like the guys are just innocent boys so that u don't feel bad if u do ACTUALLY get with one of them. the people posting on here calling these girls sluts and blabbing SOMEONE ELSES SECRETS that MAY OR MAY NOT BE TRUE are even lower than low. (yeah... i know... so-and-so TOLD u that it was true! ... i don't care if there's a video tape... its not your experience to tell the world about.) i hope it makes u sleep better at night knowing that u just called out someone who obviously has somewhere, somehow lost her sense of self-worth and had to do these things in order to feel accepted or noticed in this ridiculous and backwards world. take a second and realize that u are no better. and this is the most important point of this rant. people who respect themselves would not be doing this. its an unfortunate and ugly thing... its a sad truth that she will live with this the rest of her life. instead of trying to help someone who obviously needs it u choose to exploit a persons flaws and weakness. i reiterate... seriously... u chicks are a piece of work. look in the mirror before u come on here and post this crap. whoring away your morals can come in more ways than just physical... u have officially whored away you morals by calling out someone else on the internet. that's just as sick and sad.

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