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Date Posted: 01:11:02 04/28/06 Fri
Author: Happy horse woman!
Subject: ((whinny)))
In reply to: rachel 's message, "horses" on 06:28:54 04/27/06 Thu

LOL! You're the same heigjjt as one of my best friends! I call her smidget cause she is so tiny and bing 5' 3 3/4" I'm short too! But Jumping wester is easier in my opinion - of course I never could get in sync with english. Western is all about your seat! When your on a really good horse who is basically keg and voice trained as good cutters have to be so thecowboy can use his laso and jump of without muckin' about too much, once you find that horse where you just fit perfect in your seat and move like one, it is great - you don't start with a 4' fence LOL! c'mon, in english you start so low a pony can step over it right??? Well a horse is a horse - they need to know what is expected - like if your comin to a stream and your squeezin reall hard and yelling HYAH and kickin but hte reins are around the pommel cause your trying to laso a new filly that got out of tghe corral... getting what I mean - if you aren't in sync or the horse is like your Devil Horse - well you aren't gonna be doing that! With English they claim you need a klighter hand, but how many that ride english have ever ridden a horse like the kind your talking about - do you know that there are now cutting competitions in England - and they just can't get their horses to do what AM horses can! LOL

I know what you mean about no papers - Spice was a thotoghbred, but he had no papers, you know how jumpy and easily upset they are! And he was too mouth shy too race so they showed him both - E&W cause he would do anything at the slightest command - one time I din't realize I had gently tapped the reigns on his neck whenI was iggling onf my feet and I don't to this day know what noise I made, butthere in the middle of the ring in class as the prof is talking suddenly spice goes down on one knee and bows - you know what I mean? and then stands back up with out missing abeat! The proff stopped and says lightly touch the reigns to the left side of his neck, tap your left heel on his flank and make one click - so I do and do you know he started side stepping and when the prof said lightly queeze both feet and say whoa no reign signs, Spice stopped like a statue! That is how we all found out about the extent of his training - cause I had a itchy foot! Who needs papers when you love an animal! I have missed that hosre every day since he got stolen! I just hope they were good to my boy and treated him gentle! That was my baby! Oh what a beaty! So majestic!

Hey, after your next story I'll tellyou about the white stallion and the mare with the chicken wire last week! - remind me I said that - I'm old & forgetful!!! LOL!

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