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Date Posted: 07:11:52 05/04/06 Thu
Author: rachel
Subject: The Tales of Devil Horse:Chapter 1
In reply to: S 's message, "Rachel - You better give Faith some horse stories to rspond to - if I killed this thread she'll bust my butt!" on 00:20:14 05/04/06 Thu

it was a usual day at the ranch. run in, grab up my 5 horses to ride, then onto the 4 awkward yearlings to work. thinking i was done for the day i started to call a friend to pick me when phil the owner walked over and asked if i would bring in all the yearlings. so i go out to their pasture and look to see which ones are prob gonna behave for this and which ones are gonna be idiots. they all crowd the gate, anxious to get to the barn and their food....except one. who stands way out in the feild nonchalontly(sp) swishing at flys. so i get all the others in without a hitch. last one,i thought,then its on to home to feed and ride my own horses. going up to the little filly i start to put the halter on when suddenly she pulls up one front foot staomp it down on mine,throws her her up just as i'm pulling the criwn peice over her head all at once causing me pain in my foot and nearly ripping my arm out of it's socket. and with that she trots off up the 2acre pasture. irritated i stomp up after her. finally accomplishing haltering her i begin to lead her back to the barn. HA!! fat chance. finally i resort to the "butt rope". something you would only expect a young foal to use. once in the barn i practacly(sp) throw her hay net in the stall with her. and so ends my first encounter with "devil horse".

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