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Subject: Re: Cloak and Dagger

Sunny day aboard the Tide
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Date Posted: 06:42:33 05/23/06 Tue
In reply to: Nim 's message, "Re: Cloak and Dagger" on 14:46:20 05/22/06 Mon

::It was actually a warm day, and what few of the skeleton crew that were onboard where here and there.. most below deck doing some minimal task and those above were sunning themselves. There was the one that tried to get Nim below on a very one on one tour.. Gangrene his name, was busy flirting with a few ladies whom he brought over in a long boat. They had just pulled along side the Tide, and started climbing the rope ladder.
Once all three had come aboard.. Gangrene put an arm around both girls who looked maybe sixteen at best. Every time Gangrene spoke of things he planed to show them.. the girls gave a never racking giggle in unison. They were heading for the hatch where he intended to take Nim earlier.

So now the rocking of the Tide was followed by tapping, to turn and look up on the Quarter Deck would be found part of the tapping sound as Mr. Penington.. him being the First officer was doing the little things that most likely didn't need to be done.
Now the other source of tapping was the long boat that Gangrene rowed the giddy girls over in, every wave brought it to tap the hull of the Tide itself.

By the few onboard, made bets of which mate would need to be carried back to the ship in a dead drunk "I'll give ye five to one that it be Israel, I seen him in Rhydin a ways back.. that man matched drink with three others once. And when all was over it was Israel that stood. Not that he stood long" All four of the mates were on the bow of the ship, and there laughter could be heard all the way back to the aft.

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Re: Cloak and DaggerNim08:45:30 05/25/06 Thu

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