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Date Posted: 20:52:41 04/12/03 Sat
Author: .owen.
Subject: .casper.?.
In reply to: Erica 's message, ".they aren't here.." on 20:40:10 04/12/03 Sat

Owen walked alongside her, pulling one muscled arm 'round her waist and letting it's attached hand grasp the reminants of a tear 'way from her cheek. One could conclude that Owen was most obviously un-comfortable with the greif and shed tears that still hung thickly within the air. Every so often, his chocolate-darkened gaze would flicker to various object -- never resting upon one for longer then a few minutes. His features broke into a display of amusement at her suggestion of being 'corrupted', and he chuckled quietly as he spoke, "Yeah... Well, I suppose that's why we get along so well... Besides, I like corrupted girls. The most corrupted, the better -- I always say." That said, he kissed her cheek softly, before murmuring, "Ghosts? What kind of ghosts? Like, casper?" He was hoping he'd get one of her perfect laughs from that, just to see that he'd been able to cheer her up -- for even a second... Simply 'cause her laugh would be his sound-of-choice for the moment.

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