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Date Posted: 03:20:27 05/01/03 Thu
Author: Erica
Subject: .certain needs.
In reply to: .owen. 's message, ".if.she'll.let.him." on 01:12:35 05/01/03 Thu

Erica's grandma had been married at the age of twenty-two, Erica's mother had been married at the age of twenty, and every single Moore relative she knew had gotten married before the age of thirty or just had commited themselves to the Catholic church. Now, Erica just wasn't really a part of the church, she'd grown up under her mother's religion. So, here she was, sitting across from the man of her dreams, hearing words as if from a distance. The world was closing in on her, leaving her the slightest bit, well.. stunned. Her features, the ones that held so much promise to Owen had sort of taken the look of having been set in cement.

Let me put it this way.. Have you ever been so happy, so completely shocked and overwrought with some sort of emotion that your brain kind of cramps up and draws a blank. See, Erica's brain had kind of taken the effect of having someone push the 'off' button. Finally, in regular female style, she sort of 'wakes up' to his eyes. A smile curves her lips and a hand moves to wipe away the faint beginnings of those joyous tears. Her spare hand moves to find his, the hard worked hand of she working into the callused palm of Owen. Those somewhat glassy brown eyes had trailed over his features and finally dropped to the ring, her voice slightly hoarse from being on the verge of truely crying -- though it was completely soft, "It's beautiful.." She sniffs a bit, still smiling goofily up at him -- so totally just high on all this. She finally lets a little chuckle come forth at her wacked out behavior. She looks to him, giving his hand a little squeeze, "Forgive me, I'm just so..stunned -- and happy.." She takes a deep breath, those large brown eyes on his, her hand that was still damp with the salty tears was absently wiped upon the denim of her skirt. She scoots a little closer for her lips to touch his gently, she always could articulate better with touch rather than words. She remains a few inches from him as she gives him a fairly decipherable reply, "I guess, what I'm trying to get out.. is that (pause) I want to marry you too. I'd give anything actually, because you're the most important thing in the world to me." A smile had crossed her lips again, her eyes shining bright with that old fashioned honesty thing. Oh my, what had Owen McAllistor done to our little party hardy girlie to make her so Valley girl-ish? Oh well, all that this little girlie knew is that she was marrying the love of her life, and what's not to be happy about that?

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