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Date Posted: 18:10:17 04/12/12 Thu
Author: Wanna puke
In reply to: Away from home and watching 's message, "UNBELIEVABLE!" on 14:46:03 04/06/12 Fri

In response to
I suggest you assholes go to

A 1 in 54 chance of being a crime victim in Newburgh.
A 1 in 255 in New York City!
44 crimes per square mile in Newburgh.
27 crimes per square mile in New York City!

All the while the key word in Newburgh is "racist" because most of the assholes in this town run with their heads down and their tails between their legs when anybody uses the word. My question is when did it become OK for the not White population in this town to accuse every White person of being a racist when all the while the ONLY real racists in Newburgh are the Blacks and other not Whites! Even in City Hall it's the same way. Bullsht! OK? When Newburgh was mostly White it was a thriving center of commerce and business. Then came the Clinton NC crowd on the busses and Newburgh went to the hell its in today. But what really burns my biscuits is that if a White person calls a not White person a racist the not Whites take to the streets to burn everything they can and cause riots and other violence. But if a not White calls a White a racist the Whites in this town will run like little kids. Well not this White person. I will take care of what is mine at what ever measure it takes and that includes any part of this town that I have always called home. My family goes back a long time before the Clinton NC invasion and me and mine are going to hold on to what rightfully belongs to us. Don't like it here? We're a bunch of racists? GO HOME!

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