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Subject: On the move

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Date Posted: 16:22:32 02/18/09 Wed

Our first stop was a poachers cabin halfway to Mist Bay. We had to dispose of the current owners, but that was done quickly, if not messily on Lucas' part. Always so flamboyant. We were warm for the night, and continued the next day to Mist Bay. He procurred us a room at the fences, which was much safer than any inne in this rough port town, though not safe enough as things wound up.
When the Vipers Bite came in, Lucas went to see about his crew, and I was free to search for Quinn. I found her too, quite by accident, but it was not the only accident that occured that night. As I spoke with Quinn...and the woman looked like she had been through hell...I noticed that The Church was present in the tavern. They are an old, Nordic faction..family mostly I believe..but I decided then and there to try and use them to my advantage. There had to be a few elders that remembered me. Quinn and I approached the man..Corren Laine was his name, and I explained as succinctly as I could, who I was, and who was pretending to be me..and why I could use his help. He was noncommmital, and to this day, I know not what their intentions are. They did however, sail with us, when we left Mist Bay.
We were not to escape however, without trouble, for Spade had eyes there as well. Upon leaving my room at the fence house, I found it silent and heavy. I was soon to find out why, as I found the mistress of the house, the young lad that had served us..both dead and quite brutally so. The murderer still present, gave me a clear message from Spade.
This man is marked by me, and although it may be tomorrow, or years from now. He will suffer at my hand.
His message from Spade was clear. It could have been me..and this made me angry. This murderer did not stop with the deaths of all in the house, or his message, but went on to lay his companions down in front of him like an offering. Keene..the same man that had come to the Sov.
I bundled up the dead child, and I took it to him..and laid that poor soul down on his dinner, so that his pious eyes could see what his boss had done.
I left then, expecting to leave..which we did, but not before finding out that Lucas had found out about Quinn. He was angry, and rightfully so, but he soon adjusted and we put out for Rhy'Din with Quinn..and the Church, and Ive no doubt, one or two following ships of Spades.

We made it to Rhy'Din, though there were moments during a winter storm that I doubted we would reach there alive.
All made it through, the Vipers Bite, the Slipper and The Church. Our time in port was two weeks, to which I put to the best use.
Spade wasted little time after our arrival before she sent a gift..complete with its own strings..a lovely outfit that is now adorning some whore. (The Bosun won the gift fair and square..a long story I do not wish to pen.)
I countered her 'request' with one of my own, and it was then that she set us to waiting. Days ticked by, during which I decided on a new course.
Six influential and prominent men were called..all that I had known previously..and they knew my face. Their belief, was that I had been running the Den all along, and so it was only a matter of persuasion to make them see the benefit of ownership. It was to their loss that there were more of them than there were shares of the Den. At any rate, I made quite the fortune from this split sale,monetary of course, but as well gained three ships, enough building material to suffice wherever I choose to build and full provisions for the Vipers Bite, the Slipper, and we even sent a wagonload of food and drink to the Churches ship. ..I wonder what they will think now.
I was finally able to reach Laegyn, and he agreed to speak with one of the elders, and convince them I was who I said I was. I suppose none of that matters now, unless it is to say that now the Church wishes to hunt me down.
Spade made a third offer, which I accepted. She agreed to return Ox, the repayment of the loan I gave her in the beginning and give Lucas the name of the one that wants him dead badly enough to pay her assassins, in exchange for me leaving and not returning into her affairs or the realm. She has come aboard the Viper to deliver this..and has surprised us a bit by taking passage to the next port. She says, to insure we do indeed leave her realm and business.
I believe there is something else behind this, but we shall soon see. We have sailed now for the Bloody Ravine..a place that makes my blood run cold. Huge red rocks poke up from the water, staining the water like blood, and it is said they gnash at ships like bloody teeth, and that the bottom of the ravine is bottomless.
Spade has a ship following..and it will have to navigate the Ravine too, and she had best hope it has a good Captain.
Within the ravine lies the pirate cove. Where we go from there, depends on whether or not Spade gives up the name Lucas needs. He will hunt them down..and then? I can return to the twins, and maybe get some bloody rest. Rose will be pleased we have Ox back at least.
I look forward to speaking more with Spade, and finding out what she is really up to. She has hardened considerably.

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