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Subject: A kind of settlement

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Date Posted: 10:10:08 06/10/12 Sun

Meg and Aloysius did arrive, but did not stay longer than a night and day. He was eager to be off it seemed, though as I did with Indigo, I doubt the man will do her good. Still, her freedom is hers to do with as she sees fit, and she has chosen that path.
While they were still here, I was sent a message from Khaless's ghastly horse. He nearly tore through the front door with his sharp hooves, and I was not happy at the damage. That aside, it gave Long John far more information into me than I would have had otherwise, but there is naught to do about that.
The message itself I was glad to receive, though it twists the cord inside me to hear their voices. The twins spoke in it, laughing with that devilish glee, and just the epitome of innocent evil. Still, there heart is not all Drow, and I hope the human part will temper it. They demand my visit, but I have refused. For now. I shall wait, and see how they fare in the long presence of their father, and how he fares in return.
Just before this message was received, there was some excitement in the barn, where a wolf had cornered a young girl and been injured when she defended herself.
In my mind, shooting the wolf and dragging the girl inside would have been the wise choice, but John had come upon this scene, and the oddest set of events followed.
He brought the bloody wolf into the house for one..its injuries making it docile enough, and the girl too, was brought within. Meg saw to her that night, but as she left the next morning, I was left with both wolf, cowboy and scared girl. I was beginning to think the house had turned into an oprhanage. I was rewarded at least, for letting her stay, by finding out she could cook and Lucas seems to get along with her, and she is attentive.
This alone, may not have been so bad, though I am not sure yet if I am blessed or cursed with this girl. Other things occurred and these were the most surprisng.
First, was the way the wolf responded to John, and how he seemed as tame as a housecat at his feet. He allowed John to tend his wounds, pet him, and talk to him, and never did I hear growl or see teeth. It was a shock, for I do believe the wolf is wild.
I was reluctant, to leave Luke near the wolf, but subsequent events would change my way of thinking.
The girl, who's name is Rizza, had run from her home, with claims her father was very abusive, and had threatened to sell her away. John, who has a disgusting sense of chivalry, was immedietely sympathetic and invited her to stay. I was not happy he took this liberty, but I could not deny that it was the help that I needed when Meg left.
Rizza's tale turned out to be true, for her father and two men came in search of her. We did not know they were near the house, and Luke had crawled out of the back door in the kitchen. Her father had snatched up Luke..and that was his undoing. I was nearly knocked over when the wolf shot past me, and had his teeth sunk into the mans throat before his back ever hit the ground. Luke fell aside, and was not hurt, but the wolf needed only a few vicious shakes of its head to end the mans life. I was in some shock, for the entire situation took no more than a blink of the eye and I knelt down in front of the wolf, who had picked up Luke by the diaper, and gently put him at my feet.
I would never admit it to a soul, nor do I like admitting it here, but that wolf will remain both protected and cared for by me as long as it is in need of it.
I now do not fear when Luke crawls over to the wolf and grabs handfuls of fur to pull himself up, for that wolf is as gentle as ever Meg was with Luke.
Rizza has proved herself to be an excellent cook, and at least for now, it seems that I may rest. The two men that came with Rizzas father are buried with him and care was taken none would come in their stead.
We are now in possession of a cow and chickens and I have even showed John the sparring ring. I look forward to a winter spent here, and though I miss the twins, and I am confident they are well and happy and that eases my mind.

I sent Aloysius with the task of receiving the golden orb from Indigos grave and have even given him the name of a potential buyer. Let us hope he comes through, for if I find he has stolen it, Meg may be a widow.

Let us hope things remain quiet.

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