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Chaos and balance. I imagine both of those lessons would be of great importance in the life of an immortal vampire. I would defnitely come to the archive and read your texts. :)
For me, I've pretty much put my personal scriptures into the "Gone From Daylight" series, and in the end, the true message will become clear to everybody reading. Basically, I just want people to know that they have a choice in everything they do. And that choce doesn't have to be altered by what's surrounding you, what you've been through, or what you're afraid of. And once you make that choice, it doesn't have to be set in stone. You can chnge whenever you want to change, and things can be better if you want them to be. All you have to do, is keep an open mind to all of the paths in front of you.
That's what the Vampire Dawn is all about....
Thanks you guys. I loved your answers. :)
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