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However, if you were bitten....if you crossed over into darkness...your life would be radically different. The same rules don't apply. Your friends, your family, your job, your sense of purpose could change in that one instant. And with your life being so incredibly different...wouldn't that mean that your identity would have to change over time as well? Wouldn't you have to redefine yourself all over again from scratch?
Some vampires even go so far as to adopt new names to go by, as they're old identities have died along with their humanity. Not to menton the fact that you now have to 'kill' for food, and won't ever age. Your motivations would be different, your concept of time would change...everything.
So...if you crossed over into darkness tomorrow...what kind of a vampire do you think you would be? How much of your original identity would survive the change? Would you bsically be the same person you always were? Or would your new life completely revolutionize how you see the world? Would you welcome the change, or would you fight it? Whatever your thoughts, let us know! :)
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