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Date Posted: Thu April 17, 2008 02:43:19
Author: Comicality
Subject: I could see some of that being true...
In reply to: Lemons 's message, "Good points" on Wed April 16, 2008 23:50:52

But I was writing a story (Still am, actually), where a being from another planet said that mankind's fundamental flaw was his amazing ability to lie to himself. And if that's the case, when you say that most people have a god heart, just how do we measure a 'good heart'? By what standards? And in what situation?

It would be easy to say that we're good people if we've never killed anybody and have food on the table every night before going to bed. BUT...in a crisis situation where it's 'eat the person next to you or starve to death'...and you go through with it...does that make you any less of a good person? (Something a vampire would have to face every 30 days or so) Is Justin still a 'good' person, knowing what he's done? Are we good people if we look out for ourselves before the next guy? Are we 'bad' people if we do something wrong...but necessary?

It might just be a matter of interpretation, I suppose. A thief might be seen as a bad person, unless he's stealing food for his family. Then he would be 'good'. Unless he KILLE somebody to get that food. Then he would be 'bad'. Unless he felt really bad and guilty about having his hand forced...which would make him 'good' again. Hehehe, strange, right?

I think that I would be scared to find out that the cold precision of every decision wa completely selfish and predatory at heart. When the 'interpretation' of people's intentions was peeled away...we'd discover that we were just as cold and calculating as any other savage beast fighting for their own survival. With the added bonus that mankind fights just as hard for its 'comfort'.

I just wonder what I'd find if I took an unadulterated peek, you know?

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