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Date Posted: Wed April 16, 2008 23:50:52
Author: Lemons
Subject: Good points
In reply to: Comicality 's message, "Tough answer, I think...." on Tue April 15, 2008 02:37:20

You make some good points. I think, if we could read, we would find out that a lot of peoples actions are very greedy. But in the end, all we really have is ourselves.

However, I can only look inside myself at the moment. And yes, I do some bad things for greedy reasons. But, at the core of myself, I don't really believe that I mean any harm to anyone. Maybe I'm bias. And I think in general, when it really comes down to it, most people would pass an opportunity for advancement if they knew that it would hurt someone. Sure, there are pricks out there who just don't care. But I think most people, even though they never show it, nor would ever admit to it, are good at heart.

The only real solution, in my humble opinion, would be if everyone could read. Then we'd all have to face reality. I think this would promote an extreme amount of change in the world. For better or worse? That's anyones guess. It could easily go either way. But I bet there wouldn't or couldn't be anymore wars. If you know what the enemy is thinking, and back and forth and back and forth etc, there wouldn't be much point in trying to fight.

But yeah, if there were only a hadnful of peope on the planet that could read, I can see where they'd have to really struggle to keep sane. It would certainly make life interesting...just in a different way.

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