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Date Posted: Mon July 19, 2010 15:39:35
Author: Comicality
Subject: Dark Question For 7/19

For thousands of years...they have lived among us in silence. In the shadows. Vampires have walked the Earth for almost as long as mankind itself.

As we move into the modern era...the population of vampires have grown almost out of control. Older traditions of secrecy and hidden societies have now been replaced with partying, big vampire business ventures, and large metropolitan settlements. Exposure is a very real threat in this day and age.

The question this week is...what happens if the humans find out about what lurks in the shadows? Will there be shock...followed by the long LONG process of finding a way to co-exist? Or will the fear lead to a clash between the two species?

Even then...will the humans destroy all of the vampires and wipe them out completely during the day while they sleep? Or will the vampires, stronger, faster, each blessed with supernatural gifts...take over by striking first? (Simultaneously wiping out their food supply)

What do you guys think? Let us know!

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