Subject: Re: Shave?!?!?!?!?! |
Author: Anthony
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Date Posted: 10:13:20 05/31/01 Thu
In reply to:
Dr. Stanton R. Jazzercise
's message, "Shave?!?!?!?!?!" on 09:33:48 05/31/01 Thu
Okay...does this trend disturb you very much? You wonder if this phenomenon is a result of personal preference or a feminist backlash. I think it could be both. I know women that think of hairiness as being synonymous with dirtiness. Why? They don't really know. Is that a result of advertising, with the men buff AND hairless? I am not so sure of the social significance of hairiness in men these days. Never really gave it much thought. Interesting, if not a bit bizarre. I know a friend that shaves himself pretty much hairless...everywhere but his head and arms and most of his legs. But then again, he is also aspiring to become a pro wrestler. Another friend of mine decided to start shaving his balls since he happened to hear somewhere that girls love a smooth sack. It turns out that his girlfriend at the time (as well as the other girl he was seeing, that doggy dog!) happened to really like it. Now, he didn't really Bic his balls, but he HAD shaved pretty close to the boys down there with a beard shaver (I know this is getting to be a bit too much info for some, but I am making a point...sorry to anyone offended or scared by the current discussion...I guess it's not THAT gross to use one's shaver on the north and south...unless one's buds are also using said shaver...*shudder*). But he told me that he felt a bit, well, his word was "salty" for the feeling of shaving the guys. Part of his meaning was that it was a bit "gay," meaning in the speak of this friend as something negative, but I tried to look past his prejudice. But he as well as other people I know have equated shaving large amounts of body hair off as being something only women and homosexual men do. These guys, like the friend above, are not adverse to a bit of trimming here and there, but the wholesale shedding of the manly body fur is frowned upon. Unless you are my pro-wrestler wannabe friend. But then again, there are those that question HIS sexual orientation (of course, the wrestler friend is also said to shave his face with aloe, to take a long time getting ready to go out, to be possessed of an exaggerated need to prove that he can get a lot of women, and to be very homophobic, but that's another argument...and besides, say some, he isn't very neat).
All this raises an offshoot of Dr. Jazzercise's topic: why do some men feel that shaving is something for women and gay men? Is this some variation on the Samson myth? Shave off the hair and loose one's manly strength? One's manHOOD?
And by the way, isn't the male/female relationship always shifting? I think that's one of the most shifting paradigms out there, and always has been!
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