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Date Posted: 09:26:19 03/19/09 Thu
Author: rana
Subject: A day at the office

This is the last day of our week and I have lots and lots of work to do in the office before the weekend.
My new office mate S (I've only moved to this office last week) kept asking me silly questions, like: why cannot I log in to my computer?, Do you know where I can find a symbol like this? (she is relatively new in the office, she joined the team couple of months ago) ..

I told her I was too busy and trying to focus on my work but she kept asking and apologizing that she is taking from my time.
Problem is she asks in a very polite way that I find it difficult to be rude to her or not to answer her.
I had to leave my desk and go to hers to show her how some “primary” things are done.

While I was at her desk at one of these times, (I) came in and asked me to translate something for him. I was about to apologize to him nicely and tell him I have a huge workload when (S) snatched the papers from his hand and said, "I'll do them for you". That was OK by me, and he thanked her warmly to which she said "I can't say no to nice people". After he left, she assured me that she is doing this just for me, because she knew how overloaded I was. I said "thanks".
The papers contained a schedule for a trip that included meetings and field tours and other activities, i.e. it didn't need translation as much as copying in the other language.

S: Rana, honey, can I ask you something? Would you please just tell me how to draw the table? Just draw the table for me and I will "translate" the information and fill in.

I drew a table with the requested No. of columns and e-mailed it to her.

S: Rana, I can't open the attachment... sorry, but could you come for a minute and see what's the matter with this stupid computer?
Of course there was nothing wrong with the "stupid" computer. I opened the document for her and saved it on her desktop (I'm sure if I hadn't she would lose any info she fills in the table) I went back to my desk and she started writing.
2 mnts later:
S: Rana, you only drew a table for Sunday! the schedule is for the whole week...!
I told her to copy/ paste it .. she asked me where she could find this order on the screen.

2 mnts later
S: Rana.. apparently they will have more activities on Monday... I need one more line... what shall I do?
(I) enters the office...
(I) Is the schedule finished yet... it is a very simple task!!
(S) I am working on it, you sweet thing.. don't worry.. it will be at your desk in no time.
2 mnts later
(S): Rana, I am so sorry, I have to leave now... I am really sorry I know how busy you are, but could you please complete this schedule and give it to (I)? I really wanted to complete it but I have already told my boss I was leaving early today and I really have to leave
(I) enters the room
(I) isn't the schedule finished yet!!
(S) it is almost done, dear. I put the skeleton and as I have to leave now Rana will just fill in few details and it is done, I asked her to do that for me, although she is very busy ... the poor thing.
(I), not realising I was in the office, : I don't care how much work she has... she has to handle her tasks.. isn't that what she is here for?
(S) c'mon, I, she's been working very hard since the morning... be patient dear.. you'll have your schedule in no time
(I) leaves
(S).. ah... I am really late for my appointment... I am killing myself at work, and am hardly noticed or appreciated. ... Rana, dear, would you just tell me how to send the table to you by e-mail... this stupid system doesn't have the “attach” icon... what do I do?

I went to her desk, e-mailed the document to me, went back to my desk and opened it to find the only 2 days she did full of spelling and grammatical mistakes. I completed the task and e-mailed it to I.

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