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Date Posted: 19:51:10 11/03/07 Sat
Author: Rhylie
Subject: Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?
In reply to: Jamie 's message, "Re: Rhylie? Wanna hang out?" on 19:30:47 11/03/07 Sat

Rhylie walks Mya up to Mikalah and asks, "How ya feeling?" Then she walks up to Lawrence and smiles. "I'm sorry I freaked like that. It's just that I lost my mother to a riding accident 5 years ago because her horse refused a jump. I never really got over it. That just brought all of the terrible memories back. I was really close to her. She taught me everything I know. She was the best horse trainer and rider." she says, tears falling from her eyes as she remembers that terrible day. She wipes them away then turns Mya onto the path leading home.

*5 minutes later*

Rhylie reins Mya to a stop in front of her barn and swings off. She loosens the saddle and hangs the reins over the fence then goes over to Lawrence as he hops off of Yankee. She gives him a big hug then walks over to Mikalah and Jamie. "Sorry the ride didn't go as planned. I hope you feel better, Mikalah. Thanks for going with me." she tells them. "Would you like some help getting home, Mikalah?" Rhylie asks while walking over and grabing Mya's reins and walking her to the barn with everyone following.

She slips Mya's bridle off and replaces it with a leather halter then strips her saddle. Leaving her ground-tied, Rhylie walks into the tack room and places the tack where it's suppose to go. She walks back out with a brush and quickly brushes all the sweat spots away. Once the brush is put back, Rhylie leads Mya to the mare pasture and lets her go. She walks back to the barn and places the halter back then walks out to the others. "Do you want to put your horses out to pasture or in a stall for a few, to give them a rest, and go in for a drink and or something to eat?" she asks everyone, walking up to Lawrence.

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