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Subject: Re: From (May offend any religion or faith) | |
Author: darkerside of light | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 02:57:32 02/05/08 Tue In reply to: darkerside of light 's message, "From (May offend any religion or faith)" on 03:41:04 02/04/08 Mon Dear Wilopent,Sash, Andy,Paul and Christine I thank you all As a rule I like to leave my words for others to decide what they mean Today I will offer up my own synopsis and thoughts I'd try to put my self in Jesuses shoes I stand to be corrected he was in his thirties at the time so be it's god's son he was a fully grown man very capable to looking after him self when one day he fnds out he will be betrayed and crucified. No body in their right mind could handle that and you would come with every reason to save your own skin. "Look at them Look at them all They are doing fine We can only screw things up" Then we move on to that father son relationship that exists all over the world The father who thinks he know's best and the son who knows better!and questions his fathers commands and action and authority and takes a swipe at his father in the process. "May be my fathers been reading too many fairy tales" "You expect them to believe this in years to come Look around you No one gives a toss" "You expect people not only to believe in you and me To also talk about forgiveness on their death bed" By now Jesus or the son has become angry and some what desperate to I can't believe I'm having this conversation Now also thinking that Jesus is yet to go back and tell his followers and do this my body and this my blood speach Jesus or son will make sure he hurts or throws some kind of insult in the face of the God/Father "You are out of your head Do me a favour when I'm dead Keep away from the communion wine Go easy on the bread" This is an insult slap in the face a bit like saying dad you are now the last person I ever want to see and we are finished. I could go on for ever So I'll try to rap up it up with a few reli points I'm now in gods shoes Does he want to kill his own son....NO And he knows he has no choice if wishes to give man any hope. "Listen to your fathers voice I love you like a father should For you and me there 's no choice" But God has given us the option to believe or not "As for them they do" And finally god can take no more like any father who is trying to get his son to do something they would rather not He snaps. "Take those bloody nails Get up that god damn hill For it is Done" Jesus then turns and walks away(as many a son has from his father. Now we think about christianity now those against and those for God then says to his son like a father would say to his son some thing like your the best better than the rest (How many times my own father said that to me) "Don't forget son they may not do Son As a father I will always love you" And now here's the punch line God the father God the son God the holy spirit God the three in one God had to come down on this earth in human form That man was called Jesus So the whole time god was talking and fighting himself DSL " [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: From (May offend any religion or faith) | |
Author: Max Hardy [ Edit | View ] |
Date Posted: 04:48:33 02/05/08 Tue Hello DSL My friend, the depths of your pondering speak loudly, with a sons voice, with a fathers voice, with the voice being both with for me, not an offensive word uttered. An aptly put, wonderfully crafted voice that paints questions and makes minds think, and for me that's one of the things I love about poetry, and your words just brim with what I love.... Never ever stop doing what you do. Max [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |