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Date Posted: 14:55:40 09/27/13 Fri
Author: Domino
Subject: Dangit for having a life…
In reply to: Mon 's message, "ALMOST FRIDAY. Thank GOD." on 20:45:31 09/26/13 Thu

Dangit for having a life…

So here is my response(s) to catch up on all the chattering I missed while gone.

First YAY! You’re staying that is awesome. I, like Mon, am glad to hear it. As for cursing it’s not allowed per the rules (woot I did that code without even looking it up go me!) cursing isn’t allowed. So refrain from it on the OOC, chatbox, and forums as much as possible. That said Complex and the sites linked to it (minus Club Alien) aren’t linked to CM and are kind of fair game. Mon is right that IM and Email and etc are okay…. as the game is open to all ages, we have to refrain much as possible though everyone currently active is in their 20’s or 30’s.

Did you know that Texas, especially North Texas is winder than Chicago? True fact. Random, but true, and I’m a Texan born though I was raised all over the world. I dislike the cold with a passion, but love the Fall. So I’m okay now, but when it starts getting below 50 or really 65. I’m miserable. Doesn’t help that the cold air hits my asthma up something fierce.

The oddies and humans are the two sections that are currently active, though the oddies all post in the human section. The game (CM) runs off of Voy forums. Yes there are far better forum systems we could use, but it is old school and we kinda haven’t revamped it over to the others (boards2go as an example) that and some like this format better. It helps that most of us oldies know how to make Voy forums without thinking or possibly in our sleep. Heck I helped revamp make most the human section and others when we did the rehaul a few years back (though sadly I have since lost some of the passwords or they were changed by Loo, the owner).

Since Mon went into detail I feel obligated to let you know a little about my active characters. At one point (and I just counted) I played about 65 characters. My numbers have drastically been cut; I play maybe a quarter of that now and even that maybe stretching it. That said here are a few of my characters that you may notice about.

Moonlight: She is a horse (in the good section of Cascade). She is the longest standing horse in the game, at the moment, and has been a part of Hopeful Valley and the lead mare there for well…ever. She’s close to my retiring her, but as I don’t have the heart to kill her off just yet she’s simply not played along with all that section at this time.

Silver Mist: She’s a wolf (in the neutral section). She use to be the queen of the whole area, but when the site was cut she simply had the one remaining neutral pack. She’s gone through a fair share of mates (one of them Chaos’ character) and she has a son (played by me) and a few other offspring though none are actively played at this time.

Both of the above are mentioned simply for any one else reading to jar memories and let them know that those characters are around should they ever wish to return and chat….

As for my humanoid characters:

Angelina Uris (Sandra Bullock) formerly Milan is married to Stan Uris. They have their daughter Desiree and she’s probably one of the ones who keeps things centered in the “Crew” She is the owner/bartender of Club Alien where everyone hangs out. She is only human but she has an uncanny knack for figuring out those who aren’t human, that and half her staff are oddies (werewolves or shifters). You’ll probably talk to her once with every character as I make a habit of popping her into every thread in CA when I have time.

Desiree Uris (Model/Don’t recall Name) is the stubborn teenage daughter of Stan and Angelina. She went to a boarding school and her mom really wanted her to go to college, but the girl has other plans. She LOVES cars like her “Uncles” and is often found under foot of Tumbler or her boyfriend’s father Sphinx. Her boyfriend is Elden and they are still working out the kinks of things. She’s a tomboy but girlie all at once and I really look forward to writing her more in the future.

Laurie Ann (Cameron Diaz) is the shy one of my lot. She came to CM after her friend, Angelina and ended up being match made with a rather smart, handsome guy. His name was Toby, yet another of the infamous ‘crew’ they had been engaged when he along with Stan disappeared. Heart broken she left Cascade, but kept in touch with Angelina, just in case. Heading off instead to work her magic as an art teacher in New Mexico. Rumor has it she modeled for awhile, but she’s never confirmed or denied this. Thankfully the crew returned and she’s since married Toby and hopes to keep him out of trouble for awhile while still enjoying time with their family.

Shania (Shania Twain) Yeah I didn’t have a lot of creativity with her name, but she is NOTHING like the singer (save that she also sings and use to tour). She is my spitfire, get in a fight, give you a black eye and then make up sex. She has a jacked up F150 and she is known to get drunk with Sway and cause problems. She will either love or hate your characters on sight and it’ll be hard to change her mind, but then most everyone else just learned to handle her at a distance. Save Freb, he seems to love abuse…

Samantha Walker (Model/don’t recall name) goes by the name Sam. She’s a shifter but no one has figured this out yet, or if they have don’t say so to her. She’s a loner but she recently started hooking up with Emilie’s brother Henry. Who turns out has a daughter. They have a lot to work through and I’m not sure where they are on things at the moment.

That’s my crew connected peeps. As for others I play at the moment there are probably only two and only one really is active at the moment.

Alicia Baslazari (Alicia Silverstone) is a former human turned immortal. She is married to a vampire (Zeth) who is also the town’s one-man playboy. He had promised to calm down and change he ways once they were married, but at times he slips up. Which leads to interesting fights. He tried ot divorce her recently which didn’t happen. They have twins together, but Zeth has fathered a ton of children in the past. (Loo the owner plays him).

Cammie Hajoysky (actress’ name escapes me) is a former Russian spy. She is the old partner of Erich Malcovosk and they have recently reconnected for one last mission. Time will tell where they go, but it is possible romance may occur though neither are very romantic by nature.

That’s it for me at the moment. I will probably once my interning is over in May begin to bring in more, if I don’t sooner, but for now I’m sticking to these. Angelina, Desiree, Sam, Cammie are my most active at the moment just as a headsup.

I hope that helped. I’ll try and look back through for anything I missed question wise or as always email one of us :)

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