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Date Posted: 07:04:34 10/02/24 Wed
Author: Jane
Subject: My examination

A year ago, I had a very unpleasant experience. My brother and I are studying at a school far from where we live, so we live in a dormitory. The matron died last night and the police ordered us not to leave our rooms. At five o'clock in the morning we were woken up one by one and made to go to the toilet to collect urine. We had to take off our pyjamas and, after giving our names, we had to fill a bottle with urine in front of the doctor. At the same time, the nurse pushed the girls' knees apart as far as possible until it hurt. The boys had to pull their foreskins as far as they could before urinating. An hour later we were told that a quarantine had been declared and we would all be swabbed. We were called in one room at a time. In our room we had to strip completely naked and go downstairs for the examination. Even girls who were menstruating had to be naked, so they had a string of tampons hanging from their vaginas. In a brightly lit room, we were weighed and measured for height and girth. Then swabs were taken from our throats, armpits, urethra, vagina and rectum. The urethral and rectal swabs were very painful and some of the girls screamed during the swabs, as did the boys during the penile swabs. They also took blood. After that we were allowed to shower, had breakfast and waited in our rooms again. Gradually we were called in for a psychological examination. We had to strip completely naked again, and a rubber belt was tightened over our breasts, from which cables led to a computer. They put electrodes on our wrists, abdomen and groin, again connected to the computer. Then they asked us many questions about our life, our relationship with our parents, our health and our intimate life. The next morning most of us were told that a more detailed examination would be needed in the hospital.
In the evening, they selected the first ten for whom they obtained parental consent to be examined in the hospital. We were given a laxative and instructed not to eat anything else after dinner. In the morning at six o'clock they woke us up and took us to the hospital. At the entrance interview we were given a drink and in the changing room we had to strip down to our panties and the boys to their briefs. After a while I felt a strange sensation like I was floating and a strong sexual excitement. The boys also started to get strongly aroused, which could be seen in their briefs. We were then examined very thoroughly by the doctors both eyesight, hearing, breathing, heart, abdomen, genitals and anus. They attached many electrodes to our completely naked bodies and we had to exercise together, running, doing squats and jumping jacks. Then we each underwent a psychological and sexual examination and were given an infusion and had our whole body rubbed with disinfectant and fell asleep while we did it.
I woke up after about four hours. I was lying covered with a blanket, I had many electrodes all over my body and I had tubes coming out of my abdomen and catheters in my urethra and rectum. All the catheters were connected to machines that kept whirring and flushing my abdomen, urethra and rectum. I could feel a strong pressure in my vagina with the inserted tampon. My whole body was very sensitive, all my joints were aching, most of all my shoulders and hips. I had punctures in all my joints, in my breasts and abdomen and around my vagina.
The boys slept an hour or two longer and also woke up with catheters in their abdomen, urethra and rectum and electrodes all over their bodies.
They also complained of pain in all their joints, where they had punctures, pain in their shoulders and hips, and most of all pain in their testicles. Some of the boys were circumcised.
Shortly after waking up, we all felt a strong sexual excitement.
During our awakening, the doctors examined us very closely and gradually removed the electrodes from most of our bodies. They repeatedly replaced the tampons in the girls' vaginas. At the first change I saw that the tampon was covered with blood, at the last change it was already clean.
The next morning, after a brief anesthesia, they removed the catheter from our abdomen and the catheters from our urethra and rectum, leaving us with them for the entire next day.
After all the catheters were removed, we were again examined very closely and watched as we went to urinate for the first time. This was very painful and some had pink urine.
On the fourth day they let me go home. For the first week my whole body was still aching, I could feel every movement and it was hard to walk, I couldn't put my legs together for several days because of the pain. I had several bruises on my body, the biggest ones were on my thighs and arms. I had very sensitive breasts and a weak vaginal discharge. It was pinkish for the first few days and then transparent. I didn't get regular periods and they didn't come until two months later.
My brother also complained of great pain in his joints when he moved and had difficulty walking. He had very painful urination for the first week and had a urinary tract infection. He had gas coming out for a few days and complained of pain when pooping for two weeks. His testicles were very sensitive and at times he felt a stinging sensation in them. He had a weak pink discharge from his penis for about a week. When he tried masturbating, his testicles became very painful and only pink liquid came out. After two weeks, the condition improved.
After the post-operative problems are over, my brother and I feel fine. Our stools have been trimmed every morning and we don't have to urinate as much anymore either. Because we do amateur sport so we have increased mobility of most joints and can withstand without fatigue more strain than before. We both observe that our sexual excitability has declined greatly. So in the end, despite the very unpleasant conditions after the procedure, we feel better. We're less sick, and we've both had very low pollen allergies.
Every quarter we have a very detailed check-up with our school doctor. Unlike earlier controls, we have to be completely naked. Part of the check-ups include a check-up with a psychologist where we answer very many questions as well as intimate character. In these tests, despite our disapproval, we have to be completely naked and sit with our hands behind our head and feet as far apart as possible while having lots of electrodes on our bodies. Starting with a belt around the chest, through electrodes on the abdomen and on the sex organs.
As for the other girls and boys selected for examination, most of the boys had a urinary tract infection after the procedure. All of the girls had an extended period of vaginal discharge and very much delayed their first period after the procedure by up to two months. For several girls who were on their period at the time of the procedure, this period ended very quickly and the next one was after two months. Everyone confirms that their body hair growth slowed very much after the procedure.
As we discovered, some of the parents, including our scans, were also in attendance.
As far as age is concerned, there were girls and boys aged between 14 and 19 years old for examination. We now have an invitation to repeat examinations together with our parents and other siblings, and we are hesitant to agree. Throughout the course of the examination, it bothered us that we still had to be completely naked together girls and boys even though the nature of the examination did not require it.
In my opinion, it was useless already at boarding school to be completely naked when taking urine, I don't understand why we had to completely undress in our room before going to the lower level and wait there naked for a longer period of time for our turn together with the boys. Plus, we had to stand across from each other against the wall of the hallway with our arms by our sides, and when some were covering up, we all had to put our hands behind our heads and our elbows pushed back to the wall. As a bonus, there was also the choice of a place of examination, which took place at a boarding school in the governers' inspection room, where the front wall in the corridor was glazed, so we could all see what was happening in the examination. All the rooms where the examinations took place were very lighted and the boys said they saw many cameras there as well. Paramedics also wore yellow red-cross helmets in a white field, and the boys said there were cameras mounted in those helmets, too.
So much for my experience with the authorities. If you need anything to add about us, the course of the examination, or the other girls and boys, please write.


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