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Date Posted: 02:11:11 12/04/24 Wed
Author: Knut Holt
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "SOME STORIES MADE UP FOR FUN" on 01:59:44 12/04/24 Wed


As a teenage boy I lived in a town in a very rich European country. That this country is rich, does not mean that the average family is rich. In fact, they are not more wealthy than those of most European countries. But the state is immensely rich. That makes the society able to monitor every aspect of the development, health and life of the young population, and to submit any kid to extensive treatments if his or her development does not adhere to a very strict normality scheme established by the society.

All teenage boys had, and still have, regular exams at certain establishments called "Control Clinics" until age 20. There were several of these clinics, and they differed according to what was regarded as the need of the kid and the age of the kid. Even that they generelly were called "Control Clinics", their title also differed. Espesially the puberty process was monitored very thoroughly by all thinkable means.

What I tell about here happened when I was 18 years, but I was somewhat late developed and still in the most intensive puberty period. I still had the shape of a slim, moderately athletic smooth kid.

Many things happened in my lower stomach area and genitals, for example frequent hard erections that sometimes made it difficult to pee, and nearly constantly slime was coming out of my pee-hole, not only before I was ready to cum.

For several years my penis had grown greater, but was not still fully grown. For several years things happening in my prostate that made me have constant waird feelings in my rectal region. For several years I also have had swallen glands under my breast nipples.

Even though much of this is normal in puberty, I wondered if something could be wrong with me, since the doctors at these clinics seemed to be utterly interested in these processes, but tried to hide their interest to some extent.

In the afternoon before this event, that not differed substatially from similar former events, my parents said: It is day to take you to the control clinic tomorow, so you cannot eat anything more today or tomorrow morning, since you must be clean inside your bum so that the doctor can easily look into you.

I had heard this words many times before, and as usual they made me excited in my mind and inside my lower body parts, but also fearful and somewhat embarrased, and as usual they made my penis swell hard and rise under my clothes so that my parent could surely see it.

What they really did at that control clinic was mostly kept secret for the kids, and some of it perhaps also for the parents, by giving the kid strong sedative medicine. But when I woke up, I always had a catheter going into my penis which made strange feelings all the way from my penis tip to my bladder. The thought of waking up with this thing installed inside me contributed to my reactions.

The next morning I had to take a thorough douch. Then I had to take on some soft clean under-pants and outer-cloathes and soon my mother drove me dowtown to a great high building, with a broad entrance portal over which one could read the title "PACCAB" and then the explaining worlds "Pubertial assessment and correction clinic for adolescent boys".

Letting services have such long and unelegant, but mystical names is typical in my country, but usually one uses an abreviation which still sounds rather unelegant, like the name of this particular "control clinic".

We entered and got into a big hall without much people, except a couple of nurses, of which one immediately greeted my mother and quickly also said hallo to me. My mother presented us and handled some paper she had brought with her to the nurse.

These clinics are very buzy actually, but they tries the best to take in boys one by one each 15 minute so that the boys seldom see each other.

The nurse looked at the paper, then uttered: "He is one of the two boys today scheduled for the most thorough procedure and to get installed the permanent regulation catheter. This takes place in the forth floor."

Even though I did not know what "regulation catheter" could mean, I was sure it had something to do with my pee-parts and bottom, and the thought made my penis swell hard so that tne nurse surly could see it.

The nurse had made ready a small syringe with some medicine. Without saying much she took my left arm, pushed up the clothes covering it and swiftly injected the medicine under my skin with the syringe. They always do this when a boy enters one of these control clinics.

The nurse followed us to an elevator, that brought us to the forth floor where we stepped into a big entrance room where there were 2 doors leading into apparently separate examination areas. The first nurse soon got joined by one more nurse.

There were a mother with another nice-looking, but also sickly-looking, boy there of my age, and two other nurses, which seemed to have come just before us. They had let the boy take off all his clothes except his under-pants and socks. I could see that the boy had a huge and hard erection, just like I had, due to the excitement of the situation. But soon the boy and his mother were led in trough one of the doors.

Also I had to take off nearly everything like the other boy, and the nurses led us in trough another door. We got into a fairly small preparation room with a kind of toilet that seemed to be equipped with a lot of recording equipment, an examination table, a couple of chairs, some shelves with equipment, and a machine consisting of what seemed to be an electric pump, several big containers and a lot of tubing.

They let me stand at the senter of the room and pulled off the rest of my clothes so that I stood totally naked with my hard erection in plain sight. I felt strongly embarrassed, but I was also in a strongly submissive state that made it easy to handle me, and soon the embarrassment got away and gave room for a general feeling of excitemnt. This reaction is actually an intended purpose of the shot I got at the entrance.

Then they let me sit at the toilet and told me to pee and poop if I needed. Because of my strong erection, I did not manage to pee before it had recided somewhat, and out of my anus came only some slime. The toilet automatically flushed my bum and dried it with a stream of warm air which gave a strange relexing effect. Then I had to stand up and lie straight on my back at the examination table.

Immediately one nurse spread my legs somewhat, reached between my legs with a hand and spread my cheeks with her fingers, just enough to get revealed my anus. The other nurse took a tube from the machine, and gently, but swiftly inserted the end of the tube in through my anus. She started the machine which flushed water in and out of me a long time, apparently to make me totally clean inside. After some time they just let me lie still until all the water had run out.

The nurses helped me get up and escorted me naked through a door into something like a operation theater where there was also a male doctor, and they let me lie upon an advanced medical table at the center of the room.

What happens with boys at these control clinics is moostly held secret for the boy himself after the initial preparation by use of strong sedation.

This time, however, the sedation did not work quite as intended, so I sensed enough glimpses of the event to figure out most of what happened, of which I now will tell.

As soon as I lay down, one of them grabbed my left arm, rinsed a spot on it and swiftly inserted a IV catheter into a blood vessel, connected to some device at the other end. It happened so quickly and smoothly that I scarcely recognized it or even felt the sting. Apparently I got some strongly relaxing medication, because soon I got into a state where I did not think about what happened or react more at anything at all. Equally swiftly she pulled down my foreskin, rinsed the tip of my penis, took a syringe and injected something into it.

The medication had made me totally relaxed, mostly dormant and careless about what happened. But I remember that my penis once more begun to grow and stand upright, and I felt a funny excitement.

The doctor said "let us begin checking if his urinary reflexes are within standard". Swiftly he inserted a tube through my peehole all the way into my bladder. The tube was connected to a handpump and further to a scale to read numbers from. The tube was actually a kind of long balloon that could be inflated with the pump. He pumped up the tube so it inflated and completely filled up my urethra to the point of some pain, read a number at the scale, then with the same device pumped my bladder full of water, and again read out a number.

The next they did was to flex and lift my legs in all thinkable directions and manners, then my arms were treated the same way, while I still lay on my back with the tube going into my penis and my bladder totally inflated.

Then they used something that apparently was an ultrasound probe at my breast, my stomach, all my joints, my scrotum and between my legs.

Then he let the tube deflate, drained the water from my bladder and pulled the tube out again. He did it all so smoothly, swiftly and skillfully that only a person dayly handling the intimate parts of boys could be able to.

I heard the doctor said with a serious tone: "And let us look inside him to see if there are anything out of standard in his urinary anatomy".

Now the doctor gradually inserted another tube-like thing through my pee-hole, a flexible cystosope. Again my bladder got pumped up, and I felt they moved and twisted this tube a lot inside my bladder, and when so doing also gently slid it a little in and out.

The stimulation from this action made me feel a strong funny excitement inside my lower regions. However, I also felt some pain.

The cystoscope got out. But immediately a nurse spread open my urethral cleft, put into it the tip of a new catheter which then got slid step by step into my bladder, and this catheter remained there for many hours.

Suddenly the nurses lifted up my legs, flexed them and parted my legs so I felt that my butt get opened making my anus fully wisible, and my legs get fixed upon two stirrups.

Now they pressed someting between my bottock cheeks and some of this thing also slid smoothly in through my anus, a sort of speculum. The instrument got widened, and I felt both my anus got stretched open and my buttock cheecks got pushed even more apart too by the instrument. They took some time looking into my opened anus, and inserted som stick-like instruments to take probes from various depts, before they took the speculim out again.

After that they gently slid a long smooth ultrasound probe in through my bottom to get a view of my prostate and the whole of my inner pelvic region. I felt they many times slid it in a long way slid it out again and in again in different direction.

They took out the probe, but immediately they put inside through my anus a long thick tubular flexible instrument, colonoscope, to look inside my rectum and the whole of my colon.

The doctor slid it some way inside. Thereafter the nurse adjusted the position of my legs by regulating the devices they lay upon, so that they were only slightly flexed. but even more spread apart. She also adjusted the table and stirrups so my bottom parts and my legs got even higher than before. The doctor sat between my legs.

Gradually he inserted the instrument deep into my stomach to the end of my colon. I could feel it advanced inside my stomach like a creeping snake. During the process he also slid it a little in and out, and I also strongly felt the lubricated tube slid through my anus, making a waired feeling of excitement. eventually he slowly pulled it out again.

But again they inserted a thick tube into my bottom and high up into my stomach with a bulb they inflayed to hinder it from sliding out again. They took my legs down from the devices and lifted me onto a stretcher, rolled me on that to an adjacent room, and positioned me in a sort of high bed that felt more like an examination table than a bed.

I lay in that room until the evening the next say in a dormant state, more due to medication than to normal need for sleep, with that tube going in through my bottom, the catheter through my penis, an IV, and a lot of electrodes with wires stuck to my breast, stomach and hip areas.

In my dormant state I did not think very much or recogize much clearly, but I occationally felt this thick tube going up between my legs and into my anus, and the catheter installed through my penis into my bladder. These things felt so strange but not really painfull.

Fairly soon I felt that the tube in my anus got pumped up, giving me a feeling that I had to poop, and also I got the reflexes I usually had when pooping at the toilet. But the tube did not get out. The tube then got deflated again. Then the tube in my urethra got inflated in the same way, and therafter they filled my bladder so it got heavily stretched, after which they emptied my bladder again and deflated the tubes. This repeated many times during the evening and parts of the night.

I never got any explanation for these actions or any other thing, but I think the purpose was to reshape my urethra, bladder and lower colon according to the normality scheme established by the society.

Early next morning I woke up from the dormant state by some noices and talk at the left side of me. I opened my eyes and turned my head. What I saw was the other boy totally naked on another table. His arms were swung up and held tied at the upper side of his head so that all of him was stretched. His legs were flexed up and held wide apart upon two holders. From the ceiling there hung a sort of device looking like the x-ray macine in a detist's office, but the cone of the devise was elongated into a long rigid probe.

The devise was placed between the legs of the boy and that probe on the device was inserted into his anus. The boy seemed to be totally inconscious. He also had a tube going into his mouth that gave him anesthesia gas and artificial ventilation. There were two doctors and two nurses there taking care of the boy. Normally there are movable shields between the beds of boys in these establishments, so that a boy could not see what was going on with another boy, but they had apparently pushed that away to get more room for the work with the boy, and they apparently thought that I was sleeping so har that I could not see anything.

In fact I did not see anything of this as clearly as it sounds when I tell about it, but I saw enough to understand the situation by thinking about it afterwards.

In my doped state I did not think anything or feel any reaction seeing this. I only regitered it, but later on I thought a lot about what was done with that boy. I think they gave him some kind of inner therapy using ultrasound and radiowave radiation.

After that I fell totally in sleep. They apparently increased the medication I got. I have a strong supicion that they did the same with me as thay did with the boy just thereafter.

Just before I fell in sleep again I glimpsed a similar device hanging over the place where I lay. I faintly remember feeling like I was placed the same way as the boy, totally stretched and opened, with something thick inide my rectum and something inside my throat.

When I woke up late in the afternoon. I lay on a stretcher in the room where we came in. The anal tube and the electrodes had apparently been removed when I still was asleep.

There was a nurse at my side. My mother was there too. I recogized that she talked with the nurse about the result from the exam and my bodily development, and especially about the development of my urinary system and rectal area.

As expected I felt I had a catheter inside me, but apparently a new one, because it felt even thinker and more rigid than the other, but not at all painful, as it was perfectly fit for the size and shape of my urethra and penis. I also felt something like a belt around my mid and some device held by that belt at my stomach area. The catheter ended in that device, which made my penis lay upwards upon my lower stomach part. From that device there was another tube hung up at the belt with a sort of valve at the end.

The nurse said to me: "We decided you shall have a special catheter inside you all the time for some months, to help with some problems teenage boys often have when they pee and to help your pubertal development. When you need to pee, you just open this valve at the end of this tube. Your mother has got instruction about how to care for it daily, and a nurse will visit you every week to inspect, clean and adjust the arrangement".

The nurse did not say it, but the catheter surely also had the purpose of hinder me from having any kind of sexual activity. This society is not particularly against sex as such. But it does not like young people to do things of own idea, but only things ordered or suggested by the authorities. Sex and masturbation with some degree of creativity is such an activity. Once a kid show some degree of independent activity or thinking, the society respond with some sort of regulatory response.

If you go around in this society looking superficially, young people seem to have a lot of freedom to do as they like. Even consuming drugs and alcohol in dangerous amounts is common. But looking better, you see that everything done is highly ritualistic without any kind of independent thinking. And sex is tolerated only as a mechanical behavior to complete some strict social ritual. Everything seems to be orchestrated by an elite sitting in the background.

I was shocked, but did not manage to protest or ask further questions, due to my still drugged state.

When I was totally awake, I got my clothes and had to dress. Then we left without much formalities.

Like the nurse said, I had such a catheter installed for several months.

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  • MY WEEKLY PUBERTY ADJUSTMENT CARE -- Knut Holt, 02:15:15 12/04/24 Wed
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