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Date Posted: 02:15:15 12/04/24 Wed
Author: Knut Holt
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "SOME STORIES MADE UP FOR FUN" on 01:59:44 12/04/24 Wed

During my puberty, my parents performed a weekly procedure on me aided by a nurse that lived in the same apartment building.

I am not quite sure how they got this idea, but I think it was a requirement from the school health service, which my parents often consulted to get advice and instructions, and that nurse seemed to have the task of taking care of teenage boys in the neighbourhood.

She had the title "adolescent boy care practisioner" written on her door.

It uasually happened in early night. Each time I was put to sleep so that I mostly did not sense what was going on. But I occationaly woke up a short time and got a little glimps of what happened. Eventually I had so many memories of such glimpses that I can tell pretty well how it ocurred.

My parents actually told me that I needed special care in my lower parts each week, because I was a sickly boy, but never gave much datails, but they said they had to open my bottom to give me special care and adjustments. Strangely I was content with this odd explanation that also gave me a funny excitement.

As a tenager I also slept in a special bed that could easily serve also as an examination table, with a lot of finesses they could use when taking care of me. Among these were a couple of stirrups that could be swung up, an intergrated colonic device to flush me clean through my anus, and a catheter arrangement; and some electronics to monitor me.

The table was quite comfortable, though, and these devices were hidden at the underside when not in use, but still I had a feeling like I was sleeping in a hospital during the nights.

My parents told that I had to sleep in such a bed to make it easy to open my bottom to take care of me. I allways got an explanation of this type about all special arrangement during my puberty period.

This procedure was going on until I was 20, and what follows is how it ocurred at 18, when I still was a slim, mostly smooth boy, only that I had got taller with nearly fullsized genitals, and with a deep butt cleft.

I usually ate my night meal at 8 o'clock, usually together with a cup of tea. Before these events the tea contained some strong relaxing medicine, and just after finishing I felt immensely sleepy and did not want other than go to bed at once.

My mother had already prepared my bed, but she ordered me to go to the toilet and pee, and sit some time on the toilet in case I also had to poop, and then take off my clothes except my underware and go to bed.

While sitting on the toilet I heared my mother opened the door lock so that anybody could easily enter, but I never wondered why, as if the medicine made me uniterested in things happening around me.

I soon lay in my bed with my light underware on and a dune over me, and I immediately fell in sleep.

When sleeping my mother swung up the colonic device intergrated in the bed. She pushed my legs somewhat apart, and spread me even more open by reaching between my legs and parting my buttock cheeks. My father stood by her side and inserted the tube from the device into my anus, and started to flush me clean. Sometimes I woke up and felt the tube going into me between my legs. The tube felt so gross, but not painful, and it also made me feel a strong general excitement in my pelvic zones, included my penis that was grossly inflated. This flushing procedure was rather quick and the tube got soon pulled out again, and my parents left the room.

Soon the nurse, living in the same building, entered but she kept herself in the background for some time. I sometimes woke up and heared her enter through the unlocked door and then prepare some equipment in the kuitchen and place it on a trolley.

After some time my parents and the nurse came into my room and approached my bed, pushing the trolley with them. Somtimes I partly woke up to a dormant state, where I sensed what was going on, but my parents probably thought that I was still sleeping.

My father sat down by my bed beside my lower body areas, while my mother and the nurse sat down or stood in the background. Very cautiously he lifted the dune, took hold of my underpants, and pulled them down and off, but he let the undershirt stay on my upper parts.

The feeling and knowledge of being stripped naked evoke a rather strong exitement in my groin and made my penis once again grow and get stiff.

But they begun the examination at my breast area. My father pulled up my undershirt so that my chest and the area under my shoulders were exposed. My mother lifted and swung my arms past my head and held them so lifted to make my upper body maximally exposed and all of me stretched.

My father looked at my breast and upper stomach to see how I was breathing, then he palpated my breast nipples and the area around, and also under my shoulders while discussing with the nurse.

My mother then swung back my arms to each sides and pulled back my undershirt.

My father then palpated my lower stomach area, and especially over my bladder and at each sides of it, and over the site of my appendix. He also felt at my hip joints at each side.

Then he palpated my scrotum and testicles thoroughly. He then took my penis, slid down my foreskin and looked carefully at my penis head, inner forskin parts and urethral opening, while spreading my utethral cleft.

Swiftly he cleaned my penis head with a soft piece of tissue, whereafter he took a syringe with a conical tip, pressed the tip inside my urethral opening and injected some medicine. The feeling of the medicine being pressed through my urethra was intense, but in my sedated state, I simply did not think about it. The medicine was for lubrication and analgesia, and I sensed that my urethra got numbed.

Up until now the nurse stood in the background looking and instructing my parents what to do, but now she approached and took over. She had in her hands a strange device consisting of a ballpump connected to a rubber tube with a conical tip.

She took my penis, held my forskin retracted, spread my urethral opening and iserted gradually all the way to my bladder the rubber tube. She inflated the tube and let it deflate several times so that my urethra got stretched. It felt like being rhytmically pumped.

When this tube was out again, the nurse once again took my penis,spread my urethral opening and stepwise inserted a catheter that then remained there the rest of the night.

After that, my parents took over again, tok hold of my ancles, flexed up my legs and placed them in the stirrups now swung up. My father spread my buttock cheeks and looked carefully at my rectal area, while the nurse now standing just behind also looking. She always instructed my parents how to spread open my anus the right way, which seemed to differ from time to time.

Then the nurse gently inserted a glowed finger into my rectal opening and felt up towards my prostate and fingered it a long time.

Therafter she inserted a thermometer tip, smeared with vaseline through my anus and held it there a long time to take my temperature.

Then they gently took my legs down from the stirrups, rolled me furher onto my stomach, placed a cylindrical pillow under my lower stomach, spread my legs apart so that my buttocks and anal area got lifted and my buttock cleft spread open to fully get my anus visible and available also in this position.

The nurse inserted a speculum and spread my anus wide open with it in order to stretch it out as much as possible, after which she took it out.

She had an optical instrument consisting of rigid tube and a handle to hold it, and an eyepice to look through. She gently pressed the tip of the tube against my anus until it reflectorily relaxed and the tube slid in. She slid the instrument steadily longer into my rectum and even some way into my colon, but not right away. She made several stops and each time she pulled and pushed it somewhat back and forth and directed it in all diretcion to scrutinize avery parts of my rear intimacy.

She used a long time. I always woke up by this procedure and the handlings felt like I had a strong urge to poop, but I was so drugged that I did not think much or react. Eventually she very slowly pulled the instrument out again, and for me it felt like I was pooping. Therafter she wiped my anus free from lubricant and slime with a sheet of toilet paper.

They then aain rolled me at my back, and replaced my dune but did not pull back my underware.

During the whole procedure they all discussed with a low voice what they found.

I had the impression that they each time filled out a formula afterwards and sent that to the school health service.

The whole night I lay with the catheter installed. Early in the morning when I was awake, I could feel the catheter inside me, and it stimulated my penis to be fully erect. My parents came and lifted the dune, pulled out the catheter and recovered me with the dune.

Later on I still was naked at my lower parts and I had a stitching sensation in my urethra and anus.

Waking up this way with a catheter insid me, was so usual that I never thought about it other way that it was a part of the care I and other sickly boys needed, and that they had opened my bum and pee-parts to take care of me.

Eventually I rose from my bed to begin the daily routines of the morning. My parents or I never spoke about the things that had happened during the night, of which I usually only remembered glimpes.

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