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Date Posted: 02:23:12 12/04/24 Wed
Author: Knut Holt
In reply to: Knut Holt 's message, "SOME STORIES MADE UP FOR FUN" on 01:59:44 12/04/24 Wed

I was 18 years old, still in my most intensive puberty period with a lot of things happening inside me. I mostly still had the same slim, slightly athletic and smooth boy shape as I always had, but I had got taller and fully grown in most ways. I lived by my parents that still had the custody over me, which was the standard in my country until the age of 20.

One afternoon after coming home from school, my parents called me into the sitting room to tell me that a special ambulance will come and take me to the special regulation hospital for teen boys the next day to perform my special puberty regulation, an event I had never heard about before.

Nor did I know that there were a special regulation hospital for teen boys, but it sounded so natural that there must be something like this, based on how my society generally worked. My society was sickly eager to control and regulate everything, and it had the economic resources to do so.

Also the authorities in my country are very fond of using words like special, control, regulate and regulation, to the extent that it sounds downright comical, a habit parents use to repeat when announcing some medical ordeal to their kids.

But hearing this I got nervous and tensed up, but also felt a strange excitement in my mind and intimate zones, and I asked what this could be.

My father said that all teenage boys that are often sick are taken to this hospital to get regulated in their bottom parts so that they can pee and poop better. Hearing this I got even more nervous but also more excited and my penis swelled and attended a huge erection under my clothes.

They gave me two pills to calm me down whereafter I also got into a strange submissive mood that made me accept without questioning what was planned for me, but made me even more excited when thinking about it.

I could not eat more this day to be clean inside. In the evening I had to go to the toilet, take a douche, put on clean white underware and go to bed.

But I passed the kuichen door on my way. I heard that my parents sat reading from some pamphlet and talking, obviously about the event next day. I could hear some phrases of a rather law-voiced and cryptic discussion: "ambulance arrives" "IV to calm him down" "tubes into his bottom openings to pump him clean"

The phrases increased even more the mixture of anxiety and excitement and my penis again swoll and rised to a hard erection. But when thereafter, laying in my bed to sleep, I was strangely calm in most parts of me, but still felt excited in my genitals and bottom parts, and I was still thinking about the words I heared. But then I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up by hearing somebody inside my room. Still laying halfly dormant I took a glance to the side and saw two men with a stretcher and a woman looking like a doctor. Being still heavily influenced by the pills, I did not think much, react or say anything. But seing these persons with white clothing I once again got highly excited in my intimate zones with my penis grossly swollen.

The two persons lifted off my blanket, then lifted me onto the stretcher. Soon thereafter they also pulled off my underwear exposing my engorged penis and genital region. Quickly I got a shot into the side of my butt, probably to relax me even more.

The doctor pulled down my foreskin, that still covered much of my penile head, cleaned it, and gently spread my urethral cleft open, which gave me a distinct feeling of being opened. She stuck a syringe inside my urethra and injected some lubricating substance.

Once again she spread my peehole and gently, but rapidly inserted a tube all the way to my bladder. I felt very strong sensations of being penetrated, but not really pain. Now I saw hat this catheter was connected to a small machine with a white container, some electric pump thing and some control handles. The machine got hung up at the stretcher, and I got a blanket over me.

Soon thereafter I had been carried out of the house and into an ambulance which was rather big and looked like an operation theatre inside. The ambulance did not move at once.

I got a mask on me that gave me some gas to hold me relaxed and nearly dormant, but in a haze I sensed what was going on without caring much about it. They lifted off the blanket that covered me.

Then they took my legs, spread them apart and flexed them up so that I felt like being a frog. The doctor spread my anal region even further with her left hand and with the the right hand penetrated my bottom with a thick tube that she inserted a long way up.

I then lay with somewhat flexed legs with these catheters entering both my intimate holes. On the other end the tubes were connected to machines with containers and pumps. Then the ambulance started moving and headed towards the destination. But then I fell totally in sleep.

The ride took at least an hour. Ocationally I woke up a little and I felt water being pumped in and out of my stomach as to make me absolutely clean inside me.

Eventually I lay somewhat awake on the stretcher, naked under a light blanket, outside the ambulance in front of a long building with many entrances. I no longer had anything in my anus, but still I had the tube going into my bladder, and I had got an IV into my left wrist that obviously held me permanently drugged. Lifting my head and looking around, I observed other ambulances parked, and couple of other boys laying on stretchers like me ready to be brought into the building, but being drugged, I did not think much about what I saw.

They soon rolled me through a door into a small entrance room. I got delivered to a new team and some registration work was done on a computer. Then they rolled me into something like a sharply lit surgery theater.

Soon I lay totally naked on the surgery table while the team put several electrodes at my breast, hips and legs, and also a blood preasure measure device around my left leg.

An anestetist sat near my head. She lent over me, saying: "We have to spread open your buttom and adjust your inside for many, hours. But you will sleep all the time, so do not worry".

Then she pressed a mask over my mouth and nose and gave me gas. But the team continued working on me before I was fully put under, so I recognized what was going on for some time.

Immediately thereafter they took hold of my arms and swung them upwards and down past my head and fixed my arms in that position, making all if me heavily stretched and exposed.

Then they took hold of my legs, flexed them up and spread them wide apart. They did it such that I could feel my butt cleft and rectal zone opened maximally up, and the feeling of being opened in my bottom was impressive, and made my penis once again swell and fully erect itself. My legs got fixed at two stirrups.

Eventually the gas made me totally unconscious. Even though I did not experience directly much of what follows, I know pretty well what was done, by secretly reading the pamphlet my parents had got, and from the conversation the doctors had with my parents thereafter.

They paralyzed all my muscles, including my breathing with medicine delivered through the IV. Then they inserted a tube through my throat which thereafter was used for artificial breathing and deliverance of anesthetic gas.

Then the procedure as such began.

They inserted a flexible scope in through my penis, let it advance through my urethra into my bladder, and scrutinized every part inside my lower urinary system.

Then they inserted a rigid scope, when reaching my prostate area, they bent my penis down between my legs, and let the scope advance further into my bladder. Therefarter they let it advance further up into both of my kidneys.

The insertion of this rigid scope was so impressive that I actually woke up with gross feelings, both physically and mentally of being penetrated high up in my stomach, but still not really pain.

Then they put a long ultrasound probe in through my anus to scrutinize the inside of my pelvic zones.

Thereafter they inserted a flexible scope through my anus and let it advance through all parts of my colon, and scrutinized every part of it.

They also they examined me with a scope down my throat into my stomach.

At last they made a hole through my navel, inserted a scope, pumped up my abdominal cavity with gas and scrutinized all of my abdominal organs.

They found that my prostate region and some parts of my lower colon were too narrow to work according to the requirements of the society, so they decided some adjustments were necessary.

Therefore they inserted through my urethra an elastic catheter that could be inflated like a balloon, and inflated it so that my prostate region got widely stretched out.

Then they inserted an elastic balloon tube also through my anus all the way into the end part of my colon, and also inflated it to stretch out parts of my colon and anus.

They let these catheters remain there.

They also injected some depot medicine into each of my testicles to regulate my sexual functions. This time I actually woke up shortly with a sudden sharp stitching pain, but the anesthetics made me unable to think much or react.

As I understood, that is basically what thay did. Then they brought me into a kind of a big intensive care room where many boys lay side by side, with only a thin curtain between each of them, still with these catheters inside me.

I slept for some time. But at a point I woke up, still with this mental state where I did not care about what they did with me, and where I did not feel much, except a slight excitement in my intimate area and some slight astonishment about the situation.

I lay on my back, totally naked except a light blanket over my upper body and a pair of stockings on my legs. My legs were spread wide apart, somewhat flexed up and placed on two stirrups of the knee-rest type. I had several electrodes placed on my breast and my stomach and an IV in my left arm.

Both of the catheters were coupled to a machine consisting of several white containers and a pump unit. Occationally the catheters got pumped up again to stretch both my urethra and anus.

Ocationally also fluid got pumped into my bladder and stretched it hard and then let out again. Then fluid also get pumped into my stomach to flush my digestive system, and let out again.

I am not sure if I was intended to be somewhat conscious at that point or not, but eventually they had increased the dose of sedative drugs so that I fall in sleep again.

The next day I gradually woke up. I still had the catheter through my urethra, that was fixed to a belt I had around my mid, so that my penis lay on my stomach pointing to my navel. My legs were still held by the stirrups, but now only slightly spread and flexed.

The thick tube still entered my anus and reached deep inside my stomach.

I felt the presence of the tubes very intensively, and I had an intense feeling of being taken care of by these tubes and the machines they were connected to.

But eventually two nurses came and dismounted all that stuff from me. I then got wheeled upon a stretcher to another room and got laid on a bed, totally naked under a thin blanket.

There were a doctor, two nurses, and also both my parents. The doctor lifted my blanket so every part of me was visible to them. The doctor rolled me from side to side, spread me open in all thinkable ways and conversed with my parents. The handlings made my penis intensively erect, but still dormant I did not think much about it.

Then the doctor said: "Let us see if the treatment had the effect". He had a fairly simple flexible cystoscope in his hands. Then he took my penis and gradually inserted the instrument through my urethra into my bladder, and soon pulled it out again.

Then they rolled me to my left side and flexed up my legs. Now he took a simple flexible sigmoidoscope, spread my anus with two fingers and gradually inserted it far up and pulled it out again.

It was impressive how open I felt and how easily the doctor did these two checks.

And indeed the doctor proceeded by saying: "Yes, now he is opened according to the standard of society".

Eventually I could dress and my parents brought me home in their car.

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