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Date Posted: 02:22:42 03/07/25 Fri
Author: Knut Holt
Subject: Re: chiropractor examination
In reply to: 's message, "chiropractor examination" on 00:47:05 03/07/25 Fri

These kind of study have been going on for many decades, and seems to be led by an international organiztion under the Unated Nations umbrella, possibly WHO or Unicef.

One purpose is to get an exact picture of the development of kids in different areas.

What the man did is exactly what is needed in such a study if the purpose is to get such a full picture.

But it also looks like the man was more eager than necessary and twisted his handlings and photography in a way that let him satisfy owwn sexuaal lust.

Mysself I got used in some program of this type some decades ago, but for me from 4 years old to early teen. Posture, growth, anus and genital was the focus of the exams.

But they sedated me, so I just sensed glimpses of the most intimate parts.

Sedation or even general anesthesia is ofteen used during these exams so that maany kids do not know that they have been ´paart of such aa program.

A part off these studies is enddoscopic and ultrasound inspecction inside urethra, bladder, anus and colon. Do you remember any succh things, or external ultrasound exams of genitals, stomach, joints, etc?

Did they also call you in to some hospital or health center to be examined under anesthesia?

Did you have some knd of surgery that took unexpectedly long time?

In that case these endoscopic inspections were done when you were under anesthesia as the main purpose or in addition to the surgery as a part of the program.

In what time period did this occur?

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