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Date Posted: 00:47:05 03/07/25 Fri
Author: No name
Subject: chiropractor examination

Growing up in the early 90s from about 11 to 17 I used to have a problem with my posture that effected how I walked. My mom was concerned about how I walked so she made an appointment with a local chiropractor. When we got there mom filled out many papers and in a little while we're called back to exam room my a man. He took my blood pressure, temperature and checked my breathing. Then told me to get undressed down to underwear seeing that I was part of study that I didn't know about until I got older. It was a pediatric posture and puberty study. Chiropractor then came into the room. I stood infront of him but back facing him. He examined my neck, spine, legs and then pulled my underwear down and examined by butt and spin r. Underwear was now off and had to turn around and have neck, arms, chest, legs, groin and genitals examined including a hernia check. Had me walk back and forth, do different stretches all while nude and in front of mom. Was led to hop up on the examine table while he took my measurements including penis length, testicle size and checked to see if I had pubic/armpit hair. Also checked all my reflexes, and checked my nerve responses. Had to get into all different positions on the exam table while he adjusted me. After I had to stand next to a wall that had camera setup. He took several photos of me in different positions along with closeups of my armpits, butt/anus and genitals one with foreskin not retracted and one with. When he was taking photo of foreskin pulled back he proceeded to masturbate me to an erection and then took photo of erection also a measurement. Once done I got dressed and mom made another appointment in a week. I seen the chiropractor every week til I turned 17 almost 18 and every 4th visit I had to have an examination with photos. As my puberty progressed he would ask my mother if I had any wet dream or caught me masturbating. Once she told him yes he started to want a semen sample from me. When I turned 15 mom next came in exam room with me. I was told to strip naked from the beginning. He did his usual exam and then would photograph me in many positions and while masturbating. Appointments were much longer and at 16 included prostate exams and being photographed with another boy my age which happened about every 3rd visit. I am not sure if this was actually a study conducted by some health organization or something that he was conducting privately. I did ask my mom when I was older about it and she told me he was a good chiropractor and had several boys enrolled in his study from the town and other areas. Also he had been conducting the study for a long time. I don't remember being photographed with anyone I knew. Did anyone have a similar experience or heard of this?

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