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Date Posted: 23:29:51 03/07/25 Fri
Author: No name
Subject: Re: chiropractor examination
In reply to: 's message, "chiropractor examination" on 00:47:05 03/07/25 Fri

What you tell look like such study.

The ultrasounds and x-rays are part of such a study.

It looks like you were drugged at the hospital so that you should not remember, and what happened was a part of the study too.

I guess they inserted scopes through your penis to inspect ypur urethra and bladder, and perhaps all the way up to your kidneys.

I also guess they inserted scopes through your anuss to inspect your rectum and colon.

But you still might remember some aarrangements instlledd on you and synptoms after the prosedures. Can you remember some of the following?

- Breathing tube down your throat
- IVs into blood vessels
- Tube through your nose and down into your stomach
- Catheter through your penis into your bladder
- Catheter through your anus
- These tubes connected to machines making pumping or flushing actions
- Pain, discharge or lubrication coming out of your urethra and anus afterwards

Such arrangements can tell what was done.

Did your mother or father make some measuremeents or take samples from your urethra or anus regularly and send in, or have catheters installed on you at home or during days in periods?

These are also things often done during such projects.

But it also looks like the man exaggerated some of his handlings for own pleasure. He could have let you masturbate alone to get a sample. Also he did not need to have two boys together to compare.

I mentioned that I got subjected to such projects myself. Aall of the things I listed happened to me, but they tried to make it as little sexual as possible, and I was druggedd most of the time.

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