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Date Posted: 17:56:17 03/10/25 Mon
Author: Alex
Subject: Surgery I had when I was 16

When I was 16 and I still had my braces on my dentist recommended that I see a couple of specialists who only see teenage patients. Ir was recommended that I see them about having my wisdom teeth removed as well as my tonsils and adenoids removed.

When I arrived at the office I noticed that they had two waiting rooms one that had teens in regular clothes and the other they were in a hospital gown. It was explained that the first one was for the consultation exam and the second one was for the pre surgery day. I was then taken to an exam room where a technician took a full set of dental x rays then I was taken to a room with a chair that had both dental examination equipment and supplies as well as things like in a regular doctor's office. First I met with the pediatric Ear nose and throat surgeon who looked in my mouth and nose to determine if I needed to have both my tonsils and adenoids removed, which he confirmed that I did. Well he was doing that the dental surgeon was looking at my x rays before he came in to look at my wisdom teeth, which he said that I would have removed as well. They set up an appointment for me to come in for my surgery about a week later. It was explained that I would come in the afternoon before my surgery and I would wait in the second waiting room in a hospital gown before I was taken to a room that I would be spending the night before and after my surgery in.

A week later I arrived with my mom after school and was checked in and given my hospital gown to wear all my other clothes were put into a locker except for my boxers which I was allowed to wear. My mom then went home and I was taken to a room with another boy where we were both given dinner before we had an IV started. We were both woken up the next morning to go to the operating rooms. They put a plastic shower cap on our heads then lead us to our individual operating rooms. I lay down on the table and had a mask put on me with a tropical fruit smell and some monitoring equipment put on me after that I was asleep then I remember walking up in the room that I had spent the night before in. The next morning my mom came to pick me up and I changed back into my clothes.

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