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Subject: Thanks Mel...

Prof D
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Date Posted: 08:22:46 12/11/08 Thu

Finally somebody responded, it's been lonely here at the forum by myself. Hope you are feeling much better Mel.We nurses tend to ignore our health. Working nights (I did it for 15 years), just sucked out the lifeforce in you. Learn how to relax, take as much sleep, meditate, exercise or do something fun on your day offs. I know it's like a battlefield out there and Sheila could attest.
Sheila- maybe give us tips on how to survive the work related stress through your experience. What works for you?

(Eric and Shabeena)
This is the time we would like to hear your "journey" to nursing. Sharing it to us is not only educational, but it is a nice feeling to share your ups and down to the people who cares. And as the responsible person (me) who paved the way for "this"- I am very interested to know the highlights, insights and views of your journey. Why"because I am indirectly responsible for openning this chapter in your lives...working at SV. I (we) cannot help you if in the future you will face some challenges or difficulties we I (we) dont know the status of your SV experience.

Let's mekae the breakfast after Xmas. I am busy submitting student grades (end of semester). I am eyeing potential Lehman graduates to bring to SV...let's see.Fell better Mel, thanks again for the comments Shiela, and we would like to hear from you Eric and Shabeena. Thanks.

Prof D

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