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Date Posted: 11:20:53 06/16/09 Tue
Author: Raj
Subject: Re: I'm starting to have doubts about this game
In reply to: Olivia/Vortice 's message, "Re: I'm starting to have doubts about this game" on 10:43:52 06/16/09 Tue

I agree with James here.

There are times when i looks bad, but then suddenly you find that great fight or group that can make a difference.

There are more destros out there, since it seems order now got the 20% bonus. We just have to see it as a challange to make destro pay for every minute they move forward. In the end we will get more knowhow to face them and maybe change the tide. :-D

I am not sure that small guilds is a bad thing, it makes a strong tie to the players and you know their weaknesses and strong sides. To many players in a guild might end as very unpersonal.

I think alliances might be better since they still can have their srong ties to eachother but still be a part of a bigger "Guild". But with one or 2 main RvR leaders.

But I still think that a voice program is very important, If I would decide I would say that if you are not on voice you will not be in a wb or group. I meen you dont need to talk(no mic) just as long you can hear what the order is given. Thats is my greates problem give orders and then type them too, ofc you could have a dedicated typer ;-)

Ah well
Cya on the field of battle.

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