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Date Posted: 10:43:52 06/16/09 Tue
Author: Olivia/Vortice
Subject: Re: I'm starting to have doubts about this game
In reply to: Nararea 's message, "I'm starting to have doubts about this game" on 09:41:16 06/16/09 Tue

Well fair enough bud, can't say I agree with you. The alliance is full of decent friendly people and some of them are v good players, not all of them this is true but every player is a work in progress. Yes it can get frustrating when it is more about rp then finding a good fight but it seems pretty clear to me the two things go hand in hand. You have to have the confidence and ability to go looking for the fights otherwise you will always be on the margins but I think we are just fortunate in that we have many years behind us. Keep in mind when I met Andreas he did not know anything about online games, ok it took him 30 mins to be better than me but still even he was a noob for half an hour. Much is gained by doing what we want and then letting people add themselves or not and for me people who add to the chat are also very welcome.

I really can't see the end game as broken either, to break a zone lock is immense fun, to be out numbered and to stand your ground is a great feeling. Order just need to organise, we are too many small guilds to be able to pack a punch. Most order hope for an empty instance in IC for me that says it all. Anyway, things are always changing and they will again so be careful what you wish for. :)

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