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Date Posted: 11:06:05 07/17/09 Fri
Author: Nararea
Subject: Re: More info on BW aoe damage
In reply to: Raj 's message, "More info on BW aoe damage" on 10:29:41 07/17/09 Fri

I see alot of cinfusion on the forums but I see it as this

* Tanks aren't getting hit that hard, one thing will change though. With incresed immunity timers on CC abilites like silence, stun, knock backs are actually nerfed. Tanks will still interupt healers/casters but the vaule of speccing high for a silence might not be worth it. Trying to kncok mdps off our own healers will be harder. Bodyguard still works so defensively guard swapping between group memeber becomes harder. This means I'll probably spec my SM back in to Khaine.

* People look at their class in isolation. Lot's of Maruders complains about their AoE damage being nerfed now thinking that they are the worst class in the game. However Choppas are REALLY being nerfed so on a relative basis Maruders might be better of. It's not a given how it works out.

It's gonna be interesting

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