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Date Posted: 13:07:24 04/24/10 Sat
Author: london
Subject: and weeds and pneumonia
In reply to: Lyla 's message, "_April showers bring May Flowers_" on 05:50:08 04/24/10 Sat

Oh great gods, not another looney. London groaned, under her breath, and wished she'd remembered to wear her fedora. It was easier to ignore someone without being rude when you had a hat. As a rule, she never did the iPod thing- too shallow for her tastes- but... but... Gods she was tired to dealing with the crazy ones. If they didn't want to kill her they wanted to hit on her and if they didn't want to hit on her they were just plain nutso. Or didn't like it when she was crossdressing. She was only wearing a men's coat okay guys? See? Pink shirt. Pearls. Nothing strange here, other than the fact that she was wearing cologne. And- er- well- nevermind.

Look, I'm not going to tell you what color underwear I'm wearing or the best place to get sushi. London raised an eyebrow and sighed. And if you're going to mug me, just hurry up and get it over with.

She replaced the cap on her tea and got to her feet, tying her coat's belt around her waist. If you're just a lost tourist, I can point you in the right direction.

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