Date Posted:11:57:29 07/12/10 Mon Author: Theron&Dimitri Subject: we're just being honest. In reply to:
's message, "Talk about immature..." on 11:49:05 07/12/10 Mon
We're not actually all that drunk. Dimitri muttered. I've had half a margarita. It takes a bottle or two of tequila to get me liquored up. Theron's far gone, though. But he's more sober when drunk so I wouldn't question his behavior.
I mean, honestly. What the hell did we do to you? Oh, we're so sorry from saving you from an eternity of whoring yourself out. Or, well, you know. Being hanged.
Actually, if you listen to her, you did nothing of the sort.
Well at least she doesn't have the clap. Theron glowered. And, Marcius, I think the proper term is being blunt asses. We're just telling the truth.
From our point of view.
Oh, and I do own the restaurant. If you throw a temper tantrum, all the revenue I lose will be paid back to me. Theron glanced at the bar once more, starting slightly as he caught sight of a familiar face. His gaze twitched between the newcomer and Dimitri nervously for a few moments before he sighed.