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Date Posted: 18:54:35 03/01/11 Tue
Author: {e m m y}
Subject: {Take me now or don't take me at all}
In reply to: Telcoltl 's message, "...or....;)" on 10:50:29 01/25/11 Tue

Emmaline looked up at him as she mumbled her small apology feeling a bit awkward but a bit relieved to see him all at the same time. She wanted to run away and fall into his arms, to turn away and to kiss his lips. Her emotions were in turmoil twisting around inside of her as she struggled with what to do. The long pause between them only made it worse as she gave a soft whimper before he suddenly spoke.

The word "fine" seemed to be tainted with some form of regret and she wasn't sure why being fine would be regretful. She sighed softly and looked down at the ground. So that's why he was following her, he had most likely been sent to fetch her and bring her back home to where she was supposed to be. She looked down, a few locks of hair falling around her face." "I'm sorry. I just needed to get away from the confinement of the house for a while. It is so....lonely."" She whispered softly." "I assume you came to retrieve me and that I should return right away."" Her soft soprano voice was just a whisper on the wind.

the moon lights while she's howling at him

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