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Date Posted: 21:51:29 10/17/13 Thu
Author: Ann Hemming
Subject: .Timeless.
In reply to: Jorgen Nasche 's message, ".Timeless." on 17:11:10 10/16/13 Wed

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Ann rolled back on her heels as the man scrambled away, thin brow arched in surprise as bright blue gaze shifted back to their human grey. She watched and waited for the panic and the fear to pass from his dark gaze and for him to finally look at her. When that finally happened, she offered him a toothy smile. There wasn't much that soothed the human mind like a smile, and she had learned to perfect that soothing smile not too long after she'd be changed. It helped to look innocent when you where hiding something as sensetive as what she had under her skin.

And he didn't speak english. Great! Just what she needed. Holding her hands up in a placating gesture as he babbled at her. "Easy now, nekid man. Just calm down and we'll get this figured out" She glanced over as a car passed by the alley, wondering for a moment if this man was high as all hell or if he had simply been living under a rock "Its ok, just a car... Do you speak english? At all? Because that would sure make this go a lot smoother" She smiled, wondering if her phone might be able to figure out what language he was speaking. Did those translation apps do that?

color="#800000" face="constantia">A N N I E

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