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Subject: Need my services?

Mike Giordano
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Date Posted: 10:11:29 10/20/09 Tue
In reply to: Midori 's message, "Hmmm that could come in handy" on 09:30:43 10/20/09 Tue

Mike tightened his hands on the grips of his guns as she moved her hand back out of her pocket. He saw that it was empty, and relaxed, releasing the weapons and unfolding his arms to a more neutral position. He found his eyes start to wander as she took off her leather jacket-he found himself getting distracted once again. Gotta stop doing that..he thought to himself. His eyes traveled back up to meet hers and he found himself smiling back. He wasn't sure what it was, but he felt that he could trust this one. Couldn't hurt to give her abit of background on my line of work..he thought to himself.

"The career has been..interesting." He looked around the subway station to make sure his conversation was going to be overheard before continuing. "Bounty hunting is only a small part of the business that I run..I was very much involved in that aspect until I traveled to Cascade City. You could say that my..cowboyish style of dealing with the marks attracted a little bit too much unwanted attention" he said, giving her a roguish grin.

"I have to ask though..everyone has a reason that they carry-looks like a nice little revolver you've got there in your pocket. Personally not my favorite" he opened his jacket up abit so that she could see the holsters before he pulled the jacket back around him again "revolvers are little too old-school for me. Why would someone like yourself carry...and be posted up against the wall in a subway station at this hour. Makes me think that perhaps we share the same line of work?"

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Its PossibleMidori10:50:26 10/20/09 Tue

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