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Subject: -rock and a hard place-

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Date Posted: 04:35:37 12/13/09 Sun
In reply to: Loo 's message, "(ooc)" on 04:20:49 12/12/09 Sat

It was an energetic nod that made her loose pony tail jingle down her spin. “Yes! Ronon, I still want to go out tonight. You promised me dinner.” Her tone was playful and her lips puckered up into a little knot. “You can’t get out of it that easily.” She crossed her legs and rested her pale hand against Ronon’s knee.

But her eyes were caught by Verda’s movement as she peered thoughtfully at the room. Her alpha hadn’t communicated back any type of mental feedback on the news of the attack Lyla had endured. Perhaps there was more too the mind connection than just thinking what you wanted to say. Lyla wasn’t sure if she should speak out loud. Mostly, she was concerned this attack might have more significance to Verda than it did to Lyla and Ronon. Maybe there was a pack enemy running repent? If that was the case, Verda wouldn’t want to discuss the matter further in front of Ronon. But if Verda knew nothing about why the attack had occurred…then it would be safe for Ronon to add his insight. Lyla was undeceive. She gave Ronon’s knee a little squeeze. She felt awkward discussing plans to go out infront of Verda while not inviting her. But it wasn’t her evening to invite Verda into.

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..::Outlaw Torn::..Ronon Dex16:48:28 12/15/09 Tue

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