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Subject: ..::Outlaw Torn::..

Ronon Dex
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Date Posted: 16:48:28 12/15/09 Tue
In reply to: Lyla 's message, "-rock and a hard place-" on 04:35:37 12/13/09 Sun

Ronon smirked at her playfulness, glad his little outburst of protectiveness hadn't dampened her mood. He tugged lightly at her hair as he spoke "Good! I'd like to manage a night without almost getting you killed. How does pizza and beer sound?"

He glanced at Verda, contemplated asking her along for all of a nano second and realized he wouldn't be able to relax with Lyla if the wolf was there... Maybe... "You know Verda, there's a wolf that bounces at the club... You could always come along and see if he's one of yours... Or if not than you could do whatever you do to strays" Not that he wanted to know what a alpha bitch would do to a stray who wondered into her domain, as it very well could have happened to him tonight... But he figured it would gain him points with Lyla if he made a point of being extra nice to Verda.

Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still tryin' to make a name
Knowing nothing's gonna change what I am
I was a young troubadour
when I rode in on a song
I'll be an old troubadour
when I'm gone

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::Leader of the Pack::Verda Thorne06:29:14 12/17/09 Thu

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