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Subject: ‡Monster.I've.Become‡

Erich Malcovosk
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Date Posted: 09:00:06 02/20/12 Mon
In reply to: Cammie Hajoysky 's message, ": Shadows Haunt Me :" on 12:26:43 02/19/12 Sun

For the smell of fear tonight
Wakes an ancient lust that will not be denied...
You're mine

He had known her temper would flare in the wake of hs words, she had never been a woman to take opposition well. It had not been often that he'd been forced to oppose her, either...nothing so grave had ever presented itself in their partnered years. Save for perhaps the last mission--and they had not known the true weight of the consequences. Knowing the price those consequences carried now had Erich in a near frenzy of opposition. "A strike at day? A strike at day would be what I would expect,should I be involved in business such as they! They will be prepared!" A large hand was passed through his unruly blonde hair, a low growl issued from the feral male as she bent to collect the papers he'd hastily discarded.

He wanted to reach out and grab her, to shake her until she got a grasp on some sense. The way he was, it would have been a bad idea to touch her--he had a feeling that with the white-hot intensity of his emotions, the beast would be at the fore his his persona within a breath's time if he were to do that. The longer he could keep the beast in it's restless slumber, the better. "There be too much room for error! Too much at stake with too great a price!" He all but bellowed at her, a silent snarl contorting his usually intoxicating good looks into a mask of pure rage. The closet door was the unfortunate recipient of his anger...for one large fist shot out to punch the hard wood, causing a large splinter to crack up it's side. He whirled on her then, the blue of his eyes burning like some kind of odd frozen fire. "I suggest, comrade, that you employ simple common sense. Some creatures are effected my sun. Myself? Not so much. They are no more an ordinary vampire than I. What of your plan then, partner?" His words were guttural, barely distinguishable in their feral delivery.

He felt it then, the best beginning to stir, no doubt having sensed the anger that riled it's host. Erich instinctively stepped back, closing his eyes as he fought with desperation to cool his mind, and do it fast. It would be only disaster for the beast to wake to a full meal of angry energy with Cammie so close in the room. And with her, he didn't think he would be able to stop, so matter how badly he might want to. He'd leave her dry, of soul and of blood...and wouldn't that be ironic? Here he'd stood, fighting to preserve her human life, while his very essence was a danger to it in itself. He retreated until his back came in contact with a wall, finally rising his gaze to hers once more. "To go alone is to condemn us both." He finally said after a long moment. He would not bend to her plan.

For the animal's soul is mine
We will be completed right before your eyes
I have no control this time
And now we both shall dine in hell tonight

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Subject Author Date
: Shadows Haunt Me :Cammie Hajoysky16:50:32 02/20/12 Mon

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