They had always been more like one being instead of two while partners. Seemingly thinking and flowing as one through mission and life, always knowing what the other wanted or needed rarely without a word, but that had changed now. Though it was to be expected after all they had both changed too. Erich was no longer simply Erich Malcovosk, he was a monster in his eyes and many others. Mother Russia would have ordered his assassination if they’d known, but considering they had been betrayed from within the ranks maybe they already did know. Maybe they had simply wanted a stronger, meaner, fighting machine. It was possible, but to think rationally of this was impossible now. He had insulted her intelligence, belittled her plans, she did not like it. ”You would rather we go at night when they are at the advantage then?” The papers were picked up and stacked on the table, as she moved towards the door, towards some sense of control that she felt was slipping away.
”There is always error in a mission, this is what it means to still be human!” The words were out before she could stop them, eyes slanting into near slivers of their once wide eyed appearance. The shattering closet door was heard and noted though she never took her eyes off his face, even when he turned away from her she watched him, judged him, and perhaps even silently cursed him for making her feel something more than emptiness as she had the past ten years. The beast was waking she could almost see it in his eyes when he turned towards her again, the snarl causing her to tense up almost as if preparing for a strike but too stubborn to turn away from it. ”Even if they are not affected by the sun as others we would still be able to see them on even ground compared to attacking at night in the dark. I had planned for you to surprise Jarilo and I Triglov, with the death of Jarilo your revenge would be taken, Triglov is but a threat that needs eliminating before he can act.” She was trying to think rationally, her emotions rarely if ever getting the better of her when it came to a plan, but there was too much too fast for her to compartmentalize it as she would normally and so the after effects spilled out in front of her former comrade, much to her dismay.
Erich had moved to press against a wall, her own back against the front door. Each as far away from the other as the single room would provide, without escaping outdoors. A part of her craved to run to him, to sink long fingers into his hair and drink in his kisses to forget this mess, but the majority of her called the tiny will pathic and it silenced with an internal whimper that never reached fruitarian outside pale lip. His words reached her and she knew he had a point, damn if he did, but he didn’t realize that she didn’t care. If they failed her life was gone, but he would survive and if he did not his curse would be lifted, the only true casualty of this equation and plan was she. And it was something she knew neither of them were willing to budge on expiring. ”If we go together I will be nothing but a burden comrade. It would be as if you fought alone, apart we can conquer, and together you will spend too much time watching out for me to do your job. I will not be the reason this fails. Jarilo will fall this week.” She willed and hoped it more than life itself, the mission was all she’d lived for the past ten years. She had never even stopped to think of life after success, maybe because she had never expected to live through her plan?
”You snarl and growl at me in disproval, but I hear no words of knowledge on how to correct my human errors. Tell me friend, what would you have me do?” It was obvious she know longer held the upper hand in this debate, the mission and plans were now sadly in his court.
Cammie Hajoysky
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
I don't know if I want you back
You're the cool nights of the desert
And the hot kisses of the sun
Why is it that I don't believe you
When you say I'm the only one
I know I'm the lonely one
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black
And I recognize the shadows from your past
It's a devil's disguise
Angel in black

2010 Marussia B1