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Sunday, February 23, 01:14:24amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]
Subject: Well this country has one saving grace

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Date Posted: 09/21/04 1:04pm
In reply to: Ben 's message, "A quick response for now" on 09/18/04 11:12am

Well this country has one saving grace from stupidity
but mostly from greedy and power hungery poltitical canables.

Every 4 to 8 years we get to replace one slimy slug for an other.
This is our only saving grace. Vote for Kerry then
in 4 years vote him out and get a new peace of crap in office.

Makes no matter who you vote for as the common man is always left to
clean up the mess, supply the people to die in wars, and labor
all their lives to pay the bills, and what do we get in return?
More poltical toilet paper to wipe our ass with.

You should read the political garbage of the Greeks and Romans 2,000
years ago...nothing has changed... I have never seen a good president.
NOT ONE in all my years and guess WHAT.. the next
man is all ways better, but does worse, and the man on the way out
is all ways the bad guy. So get over it.

Vote for Kerry, let him mess things up even worse, then kick him out,
then move on the next snott wad.

If you think with a divorse rate of over 50% the general public can
choose a president when they can't even choose a wife or a man to
live with then get real. Face it voting is a lost cause as there
is no way to tell what a power hungery man will do but line up
our young men to see them die in the name of a god, and rape
those that are left living.

Well we have been screwed plenty by Bush and I'm bored with him
so I wonder what kind of lover Kerry is? Maybe he will use more
Vaseline than Bush.

So many think the world will end if we just walk out of Iraq--well
we will end up doing that anyways. Just like Veitnam. The Greeks
walked from all their nation building as with the Romans and so will
the USA and all the colonial powers not that long ago.

You do not change a culture by gun point as we are trying to do
in Iraq. Ask any high school history teacher as Bush should
have known also...he is not that stupid and if Kerry continues
the war you know we are being suckered in even more.

If Buggs Bunny would run for president I would vote for him as
if it would make any differance and as if Bush or Kerry are
any better.

So vote for Kerry as the saviour of humanity and tell your self
you did good and if Bush wins then he can "be the one" and
only saviour, like I give a flying crap as either way I can
count on grabing my anckels as they have their fun.


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Subject Author Date
When you've got two choices...Damoclese09/21/04 3:19pm
    Well I have agree.Don09/21/04 4:15pm

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