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Sunday, February 23, 01:32:09amLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678910 ]
Subject: A quick response for now

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Date Posted: 09/18/04 11:12am
In reply to: Duane 's message, "Well, kind of..." on 09/18/04 5:02am


If I have time, I plan to respond to your entire post, but let me say this for now...

As I figured, you and I agree. I never said anything about being a Democrat. I find that I am mostly a libertarian, if I can claim any party at all. Nevertheless, the reality of our political system is that it comes down to two candidates. If you vote third party, sure, you can make a statement, and perhaps give that party a bit more clout, but you cannot actually get a candidate elected by voting third party.

In light of all this, I have to choose between the lesser of two evils, and I honestly believe Kerry is this. Although I agree with you that the Iraq situation will probably be tricky if we change parties, remember that Bush is the reason we're _in_ this situation. He knew exactly what he was doing when he got us into that war... he was keeping himself in office at the expense of countless human lives. And although I don't necessarily trust the Democratic party, I trust Bush infinitely less, and therefore I will be voting _against_ him by voting for Kerry. I would give anything to be able to actually vote _for_ someone, but that's not an option for me right now, so I have to do the best I can with what I have.

Trust me, if I thought the Libertarian party could carry an election, I'd most likely vote for them.

You asked why it scares me... I guess it scares me that I live in a country that would even _consider_ electing Bush as its leader. What does that mean about the general population of our country? After watching "Bowling for Columbine," I honestly wonder if I'd be more politically comfortable in (gasp) Canada. I fear I live in a nation of mindless, television-watching couch potatoes who vote for whomever the Fox network tells them to.


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Subject Author Date
I agree and disagreeDuane09/20/04 1:12am
Well this country has one saving graceDon09/21/04 1:04pm
When you've got two choices...Damoclese09/21/04 3:19pm

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