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Subject: Lordy, Lordy!

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Date Posted: 02/17/03 2:48am
In reply to: Camden 's message, "Your Beliefs" on 02/16/03 1:00pm

Greetings Camden,

An old philosopher once said … “what you think, you create”… this is how god came into being. It’s also important to remember that when people don’t understand something most will rely on the supernatural to explain it (as Vera Carp shows on this board)...and this is our downfall.

It is for the same reason that people such as the TV psychic John Edward are so successful … the desire for some people to know about their dead relatives is so powerful that they cannot see the tricks he uses to dupe them… they want to believe it. So they do. Religion is the same.

Religion is full of intellectual inconsistencies (things that don’t make sense) and can easily be shot down in flames using simple logic. While a religious person can be perfectly logical in their everyday life they have the ability to dismiss that logic and let the spiritual take over.

It could also be said that we are genetically predisposed to be religious.

I am what would be classed as a philosophical materialism evolutionist … this means I believe in evolution and do not believe in the supernatural. (search google for Richard Dawkins)

The supernatural includes things like: fortunetellers, physics, astrology, auras, numerology, ghosts, alien visitors, astral travelling, near death experience, reiki, fate, past lives and ofcourse the big one … god.

from Camden; I don't want this to be a fight amongst religion groups

>>> Pardon me.. but I must laugh …. religion by its very nature causes conflict. Deuteronomy 13 tells christians how they must stone to death those who try to lead them away from god … and similarly the koran says that believers should unite against the unbelievers for they are the worst of men and belong in hell. This is made all the more ridiculous when you consider both christians and muslims worship the same god. … thus an intellectual inconsistency.

some more illogical moments for you to consider:

god said and eye for an eye … jesus said turn the other cheek

You cannot smell, hear, touch, see or make god appear at will.

Jesus said love thy neighbour… god says thou shalt not kill … yet the catholic church instigated the crusades and inquisitions and god spends most of the old testament killing people. …and don’t forget deuteronomy.

god gave me the gift of life which means he also gives me the brain that enables me to dismiss him and for that he will make me burn in hell … nasty.

If the bible is true then dinasaurs don't exist.

Early Judaism had no concept of the devil, it was difficult for those early jews to understand why their loving creator could do bad things to them (flood, crop failure, death etc) so the jews basically stole the devil concept from people called Zoroastrians - and so it became much easier for them to love god because it wasn’t god after all who was doing the bad things to them. This is why the devil or “satan” or the “darkside” or “evil” play such an important roll in popular religion…. it separates god from evil and makes god even better.

The so-called lost gospel of st. Thomas is deemed to dismiss the need for churches or their hierarchy (like a Puritan’s view - which means all are equal under god) it says things like… “turn over a rock and there I am” or “split a piece of wood and there I am” ….this is conveniently left out of the bible otherwise popes or church leaders would struggle to rule.

Before the reformation popes were warlords.

some bible trivia

One of the holiest christian holidays is named after a pagan goddess. The name "Easter" derives from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre, who governed the vernal equinox.

Seven suicides are recorded in the Bible.

The Bible devotes some 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 verses on faith, but over 2000 verses on money and possessions.

Scholars estimate that the 66 books of the King James version of the Bible were written by some 50 different authors.

I could go on …. but finally, one of the best inconsistencies ---- god flooded the entire planet and killed everyone except for those people on the ark and the only people on the ark where Noah and his family, and they were all Arabic… and when the water went down again they were the only people alive on the planet – so!! …. where do Asian, Black, Arian, Eskimos and people with red hair or blue eyes come from?

Religion is the most divisive and destructive lie the human race has ever perpetrated upon itself. There have always been atheists but not since Darwin has religion’s demise been more obvious. Spirituality in humans will always be there but will eventually shift to a more humanist and environmentally orientated basis long after you and I are gone. Spirituality in people will become more about what is real.

An example of its’ impending demise is the desire of many in your country to stop religious teaching in schools (with quite some success). Religion relies totally on the indoctrination of the child for its survival, this is why it fights so hard to keep it…but it is losing the battle. If they no longer have the chance to brainwash our children church attendances will suffer.

Anyway …. a very interesting subject Camden! …. which is why this is such a big post. You’re hopefully now aware of what I think and why I think it. If you need clarification don’t hesitate to ask.

Religion is fine for the individual but the collective is very dangerous. People have the right to believe in what they will (search for John Stewart Mill) but as soon as someone like you (living in America) is forced to consider that you may be blown up by religion when you step outside your door - it impinges upon your right to be free - thus it must be stopped - not to mention it’s all a fairytale anyway.

Somebody once said: the world will not be truly free until the last stone of the last church falls on the last priest.

hope that helps


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Subject Author Date
Your thoughts are fascinatingCamden03/ 2/03 1:43pm
in response to your LogicCamden03/ 4/03 4:16pm

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