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Wednesday, February 05, 01:10:13pmLogin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 12345678[9]10 ]
Subject: Canadas laws on same sex marriages-

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Date Posted: 06/21/03 6:06pm
In reply to: Don 's message, "No you never run PAUL....." on 06/20/03 8:13pm

PAUL-Just another sign of the sinking morality
of the world we live in but apart from that let them get on with it,its not doing me no harm personally.

>No you never run PAUL.....

No retreat,no surrender and no compromise Don remember.

>I have been fine. DJ’s got way off the point so I
>lost interest. Then I posted around and
>de-converted a few thousand Christians. Then I proved
>that evolution was a fact---as it
>is-- to a few more thousand JW”s---so all and all I
>have been a busy boy.
So all youve been doing is sleeping and dreaming then Don-Welcome back to reality.

>And your self You staying out of trouble? Are you
>happy? Yes?---Maybe I can change
>that for you.
Yes Im doing great thanks,posted my application for reinstatement in the Jehovahs witness congregation on thursday-Thats a big step in the right direction for me.

>You are one of my favorite myth believers Paul,

I dont make em Don-whether they are myth or not,which they arent.

if you
>deconverted we might hate each
>other---then what would we do?
Move to Canada and get married-Thats what people who hate each other do aint it?

>I can tell you Paul the modern gods come in many forms
>and many names, They keep
>trying to sneak in under all kinds of name like
>causality, universal intent, ID, Mother
>Nature, Guyaha, Mother earth, and such a long list.
>You must feel the Competition.

No Don because a billion false gods are no match for the one true God Jehovah-They are dust in the wind to him and me.

>Basically when you scrape the surface it is making
>claims that can not be proved.

Isnt this where we left off the truth does not
need to be proved to be truth-It just is.

>well man and their gods. You would think at this
>modern word people would know
>Subjectivity from Objectivity.
>You are Ok Paul like I said you one of my favorite
>Christians---So when you going to
>de-convert to; lets me see here what would be a good
>de-conversion for you---I got it,
>how about you becoming a Catholic----lol.... I had to
>say that..... Just having some fun

Yes Im in stitches Don,I would rather be an atheist thanks.

For sure we do agree about the catholic Pope
>don’t we.
We certainly do Don.

>Anything on your mind lately--any burning issues---any
>atheist you have a bone to pick
>over with?
Not that comes to mind,You was the one with all the unanswered questions Don.

>Hey how about Canada thinking about allowing gays to
>get married. Like I could frigen
>care. I’m not interested what consenting people do
>behind closed doors as long as they
>have a good time of it. Hey you think a person will go
>to your hell over being a gay?
God doesnt approve of Homosexuality if thats what you mean.


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Subject Author Date
I wonder Paul?Don06/21/03 10:19pm
Fickle GodDamoclese06/22/03 5:16pm

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