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Date Posted: 10:09:42 12/29/24 Sun
Author: Robert (Here you go... enjoy.)
Subject: Re: Write a Girdle Story?
In reply to: hidnviews 's message, "Re: Write a Girdle Story?" on 08:44:17 12/29/24 Sun

>>Some time ago, I wrote a fictional ending to an actual
>>experience I had with nearly trying on my
>> sister-in-law's panty girdle years ago.
>The actual story has peaked my interest - would love
>to read it. Happy New Yea to you and all here!

Happy New year to you as well.

Here's that story with the fictional ending. Hope you enjoy it.

Not long after we were married my wife and I were visiting her parents at their home. No special reason just a short visit since they didn't live far from us at the time and stopping in was not unusual. After visiting for a short while my wife's sister and husband unexpectedly stopped in after attending a funeral that happened to be in the same town.

As soon as my sister-in-law walked in the room wearing a dress it got me started. I associate dress wearing and girdle wearing as one. My wife only wore a girdle when wearing a dress so to me one means the other. I had often wondered if my very attractive sister-in-law ever wore a girdle. I rarely saw her wearing a dress so here was my chance to try and get an answer to my curiosity.

So when she sat down in her somewhat fitted dress, I could clearly see the indentation caused by the tight hem of her girdle. She was obviously wearing a tight long leg girdle, I couldn't help but wonder what it looked like.

As we all visited for close to an hour, I kept stealing glances at my sister-in-law's thighs every chance I got. I enjoyed knowing she was wearing a girdle, something I obviously wasn't supposed to know.

During our visit she mentioned that she promised her dad to do a simple chore for him today. At the same time she said she had bought a change of clothes to wear so not to get her dress dirty. After a few more minutes she went to the bathroom to change. When my sister-in-law came back into the room without her dress or girdle in hand, my biggest question was, is she still wearing her girdle under her blue jeans and only removed her dress. She was wearing white cotton socks so I figured she was probably not in her girdle anymore.

After a reasonable amount of time, I had to go and see what I could find. I stood and left the room and headed toward the bathroom. It had to be laying somewhere between the kitchen and bathroom. Maybe even in the bathroom. If she had in fact taken her girdle off I was hoping to find it.

Sure enough her dress pantyhose and panty girdle were laying on the arm of an easy chair right next to the bathroom door. I thought it was odd that she had left her girdle laying on top of her dress and pantyhose. She was definitely not modest about displaying her underwear.

I was thrilled, here was my sister-in-law's long leg panty girdle just waiting for me to check it out. I knew I was taking a big chance but everyone seemed busy in the kitchen. I looked around to be sure know one was watching, took her girdle and went into the bathroom quickly closing the door behind me.

My sister-in-law had folded it very neatly. As I unfolded it I quickly saw that it was a very well made and probably expensive girdle. Definitely much nicer than my wife's panty girdle.

After a few very enjoyable moments fondlIng my sister-in-law's girdle, had to try it on. I knew it was a very naughty thing to do, but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to try on such a beautiful girdle. Especially since it belonged to my sexy sister-in-law.

I couldn't get my jeans off fast enough. My boxers came off with them. I knew my time was very limited. I held my sister-in-law's in front of me and stepped into it. I was trembling with anticipation. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. First one leg then the other. As I gently struggled to pull it up I felt how firm and substantial the girdle was. In a moment, I knew how wonderful my sister-in-law must feel while wearing this girdle. I imagined her wearing it just a few minutes ago as I rubbed my hardness through the tight front tummy panel.

The overall firm feel of her girdle was incredible. I knew I'd better take it off and return it the the chair before it was missed, but it felt so wonderful I couldn't get myself to pull it down. But after a couple very enjoyable minutes I took it off and folded it as it was when I found it. After getting dress I opened the bathroom door, peeked out and then returned her girdle back to the chair.

As I entered the kitchen everything seemed very normal. Everyone was visiting, and my sister-in-law was just finishing up her chore for her dad. After we all visited for a little while longer and we left together. My lovely sister-in-law gave me a big hug as she always does. Only this time her hug lasted longer than normal as she whispered into my ear, "Did you enjoy it?"

Remember....everything up to and including finding my sister-in-law's girdle it true. Everything after is happy fantasy. Hopefully you enjoyed reading while girdled!

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