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Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Sunday, February 09, 2014, 01:55: pm
In reply to: Nurse 's message, "Brother and sister shots" on Thursday, February 06, 2014, 06:52: pm

I was bitten by a dog years ago, and it was not located. If the two kids you gave shots to thought that 18g needles with RIG going in their buttocks was painful, then they were probably never told about the "dreaded" Pasteur treatment of about 21 long needles being put into the patient's abdomen, day after day for 21 days, plus booster shots too. Did they get told about that? Granted no one wants to die from rabies, but the treatment by daily, long needle, large syringe and thick serum stomach injections certainly merited the phrase, though not true..."The cure is worse than the disease". And don't these two have to get a few more shots given in their arms over a month's time?

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[> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Monday, February 10, 2014, 09:09: pm

I told them about the shots in the stomach. They did real good with the shot in their arm.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 03:13: am

You have a point about the painful stomach shots of the past. However, that can be said for everything. What about when they used to amputate a limb with a plain saw and got you drunk? Being that we have advanced so much since those days, I don't see the relevance of comparing era's and expecting people to deal with any level of pain.....Just a thought

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

could not stand the butt PAIN to TIM and all
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 09:18: am

TIM I sooo agree with you.THE PAIN OF THE NEEDLE was SO INTENSE the sting hurt like all hell in the buttcheecks.I could not stand the pain when i was kid.I tensed up and the needles it self and the meds burned stung so bad.I had to sit my body weight on sore ass cheeck for ride home after pure hell and emabrassment. I feel for you and want to talk to youand other who experinces the same hell of needle in ass.TIM can i email you? other can I talk with you too leave email

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

could not stand the butt PAIN
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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 09:35: am

TO TIM and all= SOOOOO many needles i had to get in my butt childhood vaccinations and every timea little sick and HUGE needle not in my arm in my buttcheeck and total lack of privacy as my ass was bared for shot at that doctors office/any one else not have privacy as being injected in the butt as kid? anyone else tense up clench from the pain?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Tuesday, February 11, 2014, 11:35: am

There are situations such as shots or say, temperature takings where reference is made to experiences such as the Pasteur treatment or in the case of temperature taking, the occasional reference to the rectal method which is not a common practice as far as I know. Tim, have you never been in a situation where a past era's treatment or modality was referred to or as a mild joke, suggested? But I appreciate your point of view.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: To Rich

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 03:17: am

Hi Rich,
There's no doubt that the Penicillin shots I got as a kid hurt like hell; and the needles they used, I'm sure weren't made as well as they are today. In fact, everything was made of glass and metal then and had to be manually boiled. This of course left me terrified beyond belief. I guess my point is, those shots still hurt like hell today. So even if past treatments were even worse, a person getting a shot today will still scream in pain. The only difference is, I can say NO today while I was forced as a kid. I do happen to believe, whether it be for my own good or not, forcing shots on me as a kid left detrimental affects....No harm meant Rich....

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: To Rich

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Date Posted: Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 04:42: pm

Old fashioned syringes were painful. The needles couldn't be made in the fine gauges they have today. The needles were re-used and got dull. I remember watching the nurse search through the needle jar looking for something sharp. The way my bottom felt, she ever found one. Time release drugs weren't available. I remember having to stay in the hospital as a little boy so they could give me injections every few hours. After that your bottom felt like a pin cushion. I'm a big fan of modern technology.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Wednesday, February 19, 2014, 03:12: pm

To Tim,
As the adage goes, "We've been there, done that, (In this case shots somewhere), and perhaps that proverbial T-shirt"
No harm felt re: your last response.
Shots today I believe, regardless of where they're given, are painful or not based on the person giving the shot (like people who draw blood. Some very good whereas others should seek other work!) are either good at it or they're not, then the size(g) of the needle and its length if it has to reach a muscle (IM) and the medication being administered.

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