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Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

Nick (injection with cousin)
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Date Posted: Friday, April 11, 2014, 12:18: pm
In reply to: Tim 's message, "Re: Brother and sister shots" on Friday, April 11, 2014, 02:54: am

Just that once and, unfortunately, I never got to watch her get a shot back there.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Wednesday, May 14, 2014, 05:25: pm

My mom took me and my sister to the doctor today. I was running a fever and she did not want me to miss finals. I was told I had strept. MY mom asked the doctor to give me a shot because it worked faster. I am 15 and she is 16. I was told to lie flat on the gurney and lower my jeans. The doctor pulled down my underwear and wiped a spot on my left hip. I watched as he uncapped this really long needle and then buried it in my butt cheek making my sister laugh as I winced in pain. It felt like a glue ball going in my butt. My mom asked the doctor if it was contagious and he said yes. Why don't you Mindy a shot too. They both can't afford to miss these finals. I chirped in that she had finished a soda after me. Mindy said no mom I feel good. My mom looked at her and told her to get up on the table and or she would regret it. My sister looked at me and told me to get out. I said don't think so. You watched me get mine and now I get to see that needle get jabbed in your butt. She barely pulled down her jeans and when the doctor came in said sorry young lady and pulled down her jeans to her knees. She had on a tiny green pair of panties which he slipped down over over hips. The center portion of her butt cheeks were untanned. Mom please dont let him stick that big needle in my butt. She tensed up her already firm butt. The doctor smacked her hard on her bare butt and when she relaxed he jabbed the long needle deep in her butt. She was bawling like a little girl when he pulled out the needle. We both laughed about watching each other get our shots on the way home.

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2014, 02:21: am

Thanks Ted,

I don't have any sisters. I only have brothers. They saw me get shots but I never saw them. I guess because I was the youngest. Is it common in teenage years that a brother and sister will both be there when they each gets shots in the butt? I would think the doctor would tell everyone to leave the room during each siblings shot? I can see if there were several siblings they might all be in the room but when there's only two, wouldn't each one wait outside while the poor victim gets their shot?

Also, would a parent or doctor really give a painful shot prophylactically just to be on the "safe" side? That seems awfully extreme. Its just as easy to treat the other sibling if and when they get sick no?


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[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2014, 08:45: am

You would be surprised by the number of requests to give the other sibling an injection if one is sick and the doctors usually do it. One it keeps the other from having to come back. If they have insurance more likely to do it. I have had many brothers and sisters bent over same time getting a needle in their backsides. The most were triplets, 2 girls and a boy all 16 years old.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2014, 11:00: pm

Thanks Ted,

I just cant see putting a kid through that kind of pain before they are even sick. It also could traumatize many kids.....


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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Brother and sister shots

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Date Posted: Sunday, May 17, 2015, 03:52: pm

You should have left out and let your older sister get her shot. Why did her pants and underwear come down more than yours did and did you see anything besides the buttock. Did she see anything on you besides your white buttocks and did you pull up the pants while you were still laying on the table. Had mom seen you get shots before or seen you get a complete physical before or even had to spank you before bare bottom with your sister watching?

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