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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Tuesday, September 08, 2015, 09:56: am
In reply to: Suzie 's message, "Re: How Far Down?" on Monday, September 07, 2015, 02:23: pm

My two brides maids were helping us to clean after my bridal shower and afterward I took them on our four wheeler for a ride. We found one of our cows tangled up in the bard wire and we worked getting it free, but unfortunately we all cut our fingers on the bard wire. I called my fiance and he said he was getting off in an hour and to have everyone stay there until he got home. When he got home he looked at our hands and cleaned all of of puncture sites, applied bacitracin and bandaids. They were all so thankful and then he removes three syringes and puts them on the counter . What are they for I asked? Those are tetanus shots that each of you need. That was rusty barb wire and you don't want to get lock jaw. Darcie and Jenny said you go first Shelby and we will will watch. When he pointed to the couch I knew it was a butt shot because that is where I got my flu shot last year. I unzipped my jean shorts and laid down on the couch. He pulled them down and then my green panties baring my bottom. He took the alcohol wipe and rub it across my left cheek. He grabbed a handful of my cheek and pinched it several times and plunged the needle in my butt and slowly injected. he pulled it out and took his fingers and massaged my hip a few moments. My friends were wide eyed. He pulled up my panties and I got up and pulled up my jeans. OK Darcie your next. Darcie unzipped her jean shorts and took thenm off standing there in her red lacey panties and laid down. He pulled them down over her tight tanned butt. As soon as he touched her butt with the alcohol pad she tensed up her butt muscles. He patted her bottom telling her you have to relax or the needle stick is going to hurt. He grabbed a handful of her small butt cheek and started squeezing it and when she was good and relaxed poked and injected. He slowly massaged her injection site a few minutes and slipped up her panties. You do give a good shot. Jenny the last girl was very quiet. She had long brown hair down to her waist.She was really cute. I unsnapped her jeans and unzipped them because she had most of her cuts on her finger tips. I pulled down her shorts. She had on a pair of red panites that said I have been a bad girl. He pulled down her panties and gave her a smack on her bare bottom. She looked over her shopuld and he smiled and said your panties said you were a bad girl and we all laughed. She had a dimple in each of her very white firm butt cheeks. he grabbed a handful of her small cheek and plunged the 20g needle deep in her cheek and injected. Afterward he started to massage the site and she asked when are you going to stick me. Its done he told her as he pulled up her panties. Shelby told Darcie and Jenny next week he is offering to give you both flu shots. They both grabbed their butt cheeks and said we will get them if you do it.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Thursday, September 10, 2015, 02:54: pm

My fiance came into our Hooters store this morning for our staff meeting. The manager introduced him and told the girls he was here to give them a DTAP. The manager said here is a gift card for a $100. Get a shot and ticket. Winning ticket gets the card. The girls were giggling and laughing until I stood up and pulled down my shorts and said got mine this morning right here and pointed to my bandiad. They looked at me and I said he is waiting for the first customer in the girls room. They were saying I not going to show my bare butt. I said he has seen all of our butt cheeks in our shorts. Amanda said I could use the cash and went into the bathroom. I told her to lean over the counter and she barely pulled down her shorts. I pulled them down below her butt cheeks and patted her firm little white butt and poked her in the center of her dimple on her cheek. All done. NIkki came in and just pulled down her shorts and hose and bent over. Jab me she said as I watched. Cara came in and I knew she was a tease. She barely pulled down her shorts and he grabbed them and pulled them down to her thighs. Look at that cute rose on her butt cheek. Yep and he poked her right in the center of her flower. Trish and Tori both came in and said we need to hold each others hands. He grabbed their shorts and pulled them down baring their white bottoms. Girls has sun ever shined on those firm little ass cheeks. H'm which butt cheek to dart first he said. He ran his hands over their butts. He pinched Tori, making her jump but actually poked Trish. hey that wasn't fair trish said. Well now she know her butt is next and with that he poked Tori in the butt. I told him there are 2 more coming in later today. he came out with me and all the girls were standing in a line looking over their shoulders rubbing thier butts. He laughed. See you all later.

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