Subject: Shots in the butt making a comeback? |
Author: Bum stick
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Date Posted: Friday, May 04, 2018, 06:47: am
As a child I got shots in the bottom almost every time I went to the doctor. Either I was going for school vaccines, which all went in my bottom, including tetanus boosters; for cold or flu symptoms, for which I got a healthy shot of penicillin or ampicillin; or migraine headaches for which I got a shot of Demerol. I even got a shot in the butt at the dermatologist when I got lice.
This went on until my last shot in the butt at age 20 for bronchitis. My first shot without mom there. The nurse was an older lady who told me "this goes in your bottom." I asked if I should stand or lay down, she said I could stand. I was wearing shorts so when I slid them down they just fell to the floor with my underwear in tow. I leaned over the end of the table away from view of the door (which was shut, but I had been walked in on as a child a few time). She told me to come around to the side, swabbed the site, had me take my weight of my right leg, then gave me the shot.
After that, and for the last 25 years, any time I ever got a shot it was in the arm. This included a Hepatitis vaccine series, and a tetanus series. I had a steroid shot in the arm last year for a rash that I had.
Then, yesterday, I went in for a bad cough. I felt miserable and after a long wait I had lost all of my patience, though I wasn't rude, I was tired and achy. After the vitals, I was taken back, and had to wait some more. I mused over the old days of stripping to my briefs as a child vs. today's barely even touch or get close to you P.A. at the walk-in clinic. Oh well, I just wanted meds.
The P.A. came in, and stood by the door while he asked a couple of quick questions. Then he listened to my breathing and looked down my throat, and pronounced me with a bad case of "crud". He said a z-pack, cough syrup, and pills would be on the way to the pharmacy. Then he added he could give me a steroid shot to help if I wanted. I told him I wanted to be better so I would take it.
After a few more minutes waiting, I wondered if I should've just taken the scripts and ran. But finally, in popped the little hispanic nurse with the needle in hand. She said this shot would help speed up my recovery. I was sitting on the table and acknowledged, waiting for her to ask me to roll my sleeve up. But then she said "this goes in your bottom, in your right side." I was a little surprised. I didn't ask any more questions, I just stood up and pulled my pants down below my butt. she wiped the site down well saying "just cleaning", and then she held my skin and counted down before sticking me. It stung quite a bit more than any shots I remembered. Then she pulled it out and said "all done".
Later on my butt was really sore. It seemed to be sorer than the one I got in my arm. The site still stings right now. I can't say this was exciting for me, but it was amusing. I wonder if shots in the butt are making a comeback?
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