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Subject: Re: How Far Down?

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Date Posted: Monday, December 28, 2015, 11:37: am
In reply to: Laura 's message, "Re: How Far Down?" on Friday, December 18, 2015, 09:18: am

This young girl came in for her college physical with her boyfriend. At the end of the exam the doctor said she needed a DTAP booster. I asked her if she wanted her friend to stay or leave. She asked why. Well the injection gord in your bottom. You are going to need to loosen your jeans and lay flat on the exam table. She undid her buckel and unzipped them and pulled them down as she laid down on the exam table. She looked over her should at him and said do you like what you see. She was wearing a tiny green pair of panties with reindeer on them exposing her firm white butt. I told her to point her toes inward and then pinched her left cheek and darted the needle in her hip and injected. I pulled out the needle and told him to massage the area a few moments. He walked over and started to rub her left hip. After a few minutes he stopped and she pulled up her panties and stood up pulling up her jeans. Don't worry honey when we get home you are going to get plenty of time to rub my bare bottom. Your hand on my bare bottom felt so good. She looked at me when her boyfriend stepped out and said finally I might have his attention. he is so timid around me and I think it actually turned him on seeing my bare bottom.This was one butt shot I didn't mind getting.

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Date Posted: Wednesday, January 13, 2016, 09:39: pm

I have this 20 year old hot blonde in my class. She is always flirting with me whenever we do practicals. When we did practice on lung sounds she was always willing to let me use her as a model. Well this week we started practicing IM injections. I told her we would be practicing deltoid, thigh and gluteal. Arm, thigh and butt. She turned white. I gave her two injections one in each arm and then she gave me one in each arm. I then told her okay you need to drop those tight jeans of yours. Wait can we just skip this p art. Not if you want to graduate. I then said okay and I pulled down my jeans and shorts. I told her just stick it in and pointed to the site. I stood up for the first and bent over for the second. I then pullked mu my jeans and drew up two syringes. She had tears in her eyes and was really shaking. I asked her now when I gave you the shots in your arm did they hurt. NO. Well it is no different in your bottom. You have a little more muscle there. Are you afraid to bare your bottom? NO and she unzipped her jeans and pulled them off. She was wearing a yellow pair of bikini panties that only covered half her butt cheeks. I pulled them down and patted her firm bottom. I pulled across my lap and said here goes the first one and plunged it deep in her hip and injected. Wow! That stings a little. I told her to stand up and then I had her hold on to the desk and flex her right leg. This time I used a 20g needle and gave her the second injection in her other cheek. Afterward we spent the next hour rubbing eacj other bare butt. I told her at graduation she would get two more saline injections. I hated to see her put her jeans back on. That is a perk in this job.They all have to practice and I get to choose who will give me a shot.

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